User Story: Classroom Overview Table

Description: As an admin or teacher viewing the “Goals and Analytics” classroom overview page, I want the ability to view goals for my classroom and also view goals associated per student. Within the table I want the ability to access individual student goal information, so that I can manage a student’s goal(s) and track data.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. User should see a tile at the top of the table that should display a count of the total number of Skills goals in the classroom

  2. User should also see a table with 3 columns “Student”; “Number of Goals” and “Data Last Collected”

    1. “Student” column should contain student First Name and Last Name

    2. “Number of Goals” should give a total count of active Skills goals associated with the specific student

    3. “Data Last Collected” should display the date of when data was collected for any goal associated with specific student

    4. “View” hyperlink will prompt users to click and access “Goals and Analytics” Page



Screenshot (135).png