
We need to make a change to this screen to reflect the products allocated to each account.

On the Parent Account Level & for each Sub-Account, we need to list:

  • Team Members allocated to Base Skills Platform
  • Team Members added to Base Skills Platform
  • Team Members allocated to Base Behavior Platform
  • Team Members added to Base Behavior Platform
  • Team Members allocated to SEL General Education Platform
  • Team Members added to SEL Special Education Platform
  • Team Members allocated to Basic ABA Training Series
  • Team Members added to Basic ABA Training Series
  • Team Members allocated to Advanced ABA Training Series
  • Team Members added to Advanced ABA Training Series
  • Team Members allocated to Fundamentals of Special Education Training Series
  • Team Members added to Fundamentals of Special Education Training Series
  • Team Members allocated to Disability Awareness Training Series
  • Team Members added to Disability Awareness Training Series
  • Team Members allocated to Social Emotional Learning Training Series
  • Team Members added to Social Emotional Learning Series
  • Students allocated to Base Skills Platform
  • Students added to Base Skills Platform
  • Students allocated to Base Behavior Platform
  • Students added to Base Behavior Platform
  • Students allocated to VB-MAPP Assessment
  • Students added to VB-MAPP Assessment
  • Students allocated to PK-2 SEL Platform
  • Students added to PK-2 SEL Platform
  • Students allocated to 3-5 SEL Platform
  • Students added to 3-5 SEL Platform
  • Students allocated to 6-8 SEL Platform
  • Students added to 6-8 SEL Platform
  • Students allocated to 9-12 SEL Platform
  • Students added to 9-12 SEL Platform


  • Role 7 will have the ability to change the allocations for all buildings
  • Role 6 will have the ability to change the allocations for all buildings the user is assigned to
  • The allocations for the sub-accounts cannot exceed the allocation for the parent account.
    • For example, if a parent account has 10 Base Skill Licenses, the total Base Skill Licenses for all sub-accounts cannot exceed 10.
    • If a user attempts the above, the following message will appear: Oops! It looks like you have only allocated INSERT NUMBER of licenses to the parent account. Please contact us at to purchase additional licenses.
  • The # of licenses in use cannot exceed the amount allocated.
    • If a user attempts to reduce the number of allocated licenses below the number of licenses already in use, the following message will appear: Oops! It looks like you have INSERT NUMBER of licenses already in use. Please increase your allocation number or remove licenses no longer needed.
  • The # of licenses allocated cannot exceed the limits set in jrich.
    • For example, if jrich specifies 10 Base Skills licenses have been purchased, only 10 Base Skills Licenses can be allocated to the parent account.
  • The # of licenses allocated to the parent account will default to the #s set in jrich. These numbers cannot be edited. However, the allocation for all sub-accounts may be edited by Role 6 & 7 users.