Assign Products Table

Account Setup - Assign Products Table

We need to add a table to Account Setup that allows users to easily assign/unassign products to all team members. This will make account clean up easier for customers & Professional Services. We need to also add a Permission Setting in Roles called View/Edit Assign Products. This should be checked for Roles 5, 6, and 7. It should be included as an option when creating/editing custom roles.


We will include a filter so accounts may focus their clean up efforts to a particular building, team member, or product


  • We will include the following filter options:
    • Show All
    • Region
    • Building
    • Role
    • Team Member
    • Product
  • By default, the filter will be set to Show All
  • If a user clicks on Region, a list of all Regions the user has access to will appear
  • If a user clicks on Building, a list of all Buildings the user has access to will appear
  • If a user clicks on Role, a list of all Roles in the buildings the user has access to will appear
  • If a user clicks on Team Member, a list of all Team Members in the buildings the user has access to will appear
  • If a user clicks on Product, a list of all Products in the buildings the user has access to will appear
  • The lists should be kept to 5 items with a scroll bar (if needed)
  • We should include a search bar

Business Rules

  • Only those products allocated to the account will appear.
  • Admins will not show in the report.
  • Show All
    • This is the default
    • All Team Members and Products will appear. This allows a user to assign/unassign access to all products for all Team Members.
    • This view is based on permission settings for View/Edit Assign Products, and based on which buildings a user has access to. For example, a Role 7 would see all Products allocated to the parent account, and all team members in the parent & sub-accounts. A Role 6 would see all Products allocated to the Regions/Buildings they are assigned to, and all team members within the parent account and sub-accounts they are assigned to. A Role 5 would see all products allocated to their building, and all team members within that building.
  • Regions
    • If Regions have not been set up for a district, the Regions filter will not show.
    • Users may select more than one region.
    • When Regions are selected, only those team members within those regions will appear on the table. Products allocated to the regions selected will also appear in the table.
    • Only users with the permission setting of View/Edit Assign Products and who has access to regions will see this filter. Additionally, users will only see the regions they have access to in the menu. For example, If I am a Role 6 and I have access to Regions 1 and 3, those are the only regions that will appear in the filter.
  • Building
    • Users may select more than one building.
    • When Buildings are selected, only those team members within those buildings will appear on the table. Products allocated to the buildings selected will also appear in the table.
    • If Regions were previously selected, only those buildings within the selected regions will appear in the filter.
    • Only users with the permission setting of View/Edit Assign Products and who have access to more than one building will see this filter. Additionally, users will only see the buildings they have access to in the menu. For example, If I am a Role 6 and I have access to Buildings 1 and 3, those are the only regions that will appear in the filter.
    • Once I select a Building, I cannot de-select the Region that Building belongs to.
    • When filtered by more than 1 building, we will show all products available across all buildings selected. Meaning, if Building A has access to Basic ABA, Building B has access to both Basic & Advanced ABA, we will show all team members in both buildings A & B, and we will show Basic ABA and Advanced ABA. However, Advanced ABA can only be assigned to team members in Building B. We should grey out Advanced ABA next to team members in Building A.
  • Role
    • Users may select more than one role
    • Any role in use at any of the buildings a user has access to will appear in the menu. For example, if I am a Role 5 and the only roles in use at my building are Administrator and Para, those are the only two roles I will have to choose from.
    • If Regions or Buildings were previously selected, only those roles in use for the regions/buildings selected will appear in the filter.
    • If I select a Role and then change the Building or Region, it is possible my search will not yield results. For example, if I select the Para Role and then select a building that does not have any users assigned to this role, I may not see any results. How should we handle?
      • Suggestion: Display the following text on the screen: It looks like you do not have any team members assigned to this role in the building(s) you've selected. Please select another role.
    • Selecting a role will display all team members assigned the selected role, and all available products for the buildings those team members belong to.
    • Admin roles should not appear in this list
  • Team Member
    • Users may select more than one team member
    • Any Team Member set up at any of the buildings a user has access to will appear in the filter. For example, if I am a Role 6 with access with Buildings 1 and 3, I will see all team members at the parent account and at buildings 1 and 3. I will not see team members for Building 2.
    • If Regions or Buildings were previously selected, only those Team Members within those Regions or Buildings will appear in the filter.
    • Once I select a Team Member, I cannot de-select the Region or Building that Team Member belongs to.
    • If Roles were previously selected, only those team member assigned to the selected roles will appear in the filter. For example, If I select the role of Para, only team members assigned the Para role will show.
    • Once I select a Team Member, I cannot de-select the Role that Team Member is assigned to.
    • Any Team Member selected will appear in the table. Any products allocated to the buildings those team members belong to will also appear.
    • Team Members assigned an admin role should not appear in this list
  • Products
    • Users may select more than one product
    • Any product allocated to any of the buildings a user has access to will appear in the menu. For example, if I am a Role 7, I will see all products allocated to the parent account and all sub-accounts. If I am a Role 5, I will only see those products allocated to my building.
    • If Regions or Buildings were previously selected, only those products allocated to those Regions or Buildings will appear in the filter.
    • If I select a Product and then change the Region or Building selected, my search may not yield any results. For example, if I select Basic ABA Training and then select a Building that has not been allocated this product, how should we handle?
      • Suggestion: Display the following text on the screen: It looks like this product is not available for the building you've selected. Please select another product or building, or contact us at to add this product.
    • Once I select a Product, only those products appear in my table. For example, If I select Basic ABA and Advanced ABA, I will see a table with
      • Team Member Name
      • Basic ABA
      • Advanced ABA
  • Users can search for specific Team Members in the search bar


The table will allow users to assign and unassign products.


  • The first column of the table will display Team Member Names
  • The headings for the columns should be:
    • Team Member
    • Skills Suite
    • Behavior Suite
    • Full SEL Suite
    • General Education SEL Suite
    • Special Education SEL Suite
    • Basic ABA Training
    • Advanced ABA Training
    • Disabilities Awareness Training
    • Fundamentals of Special Education Training
    • SEL Training
  • Next to each product, we should include a Select All Option
  • Next to each team member, we should include a Select All Option
  • We also need to display the number of licenses in use out of the number of licenses purchased. Ie. 9 out of 10 licenses in use.
  • Users will click a box to assign/unassign access. What do we want this to look like? Checkmarks? Yes/No? X out features users don't have access to? Color code?

Business Rules

  • Only those products allocated will appear in the table. See above filter logic for examples.
  • Users should have the ability to assign/unassign access to team members for each product.
  • Team Members should be displayed alphabetically by last name.
  • Admins CANNOT be un-assigned products and so should not appear in the table.
  • If a user selects all next to a product, all team members in the table will be assigned that product. This is based on licenses available. If no licenses are available, we will display a pop-up that reads "It looks like you do not have enough licenses for this product. Please contact us at to add more licenses."
  • If a user selects all next to a team member, that team member will be assigned all products in the table. This is based on licenses available. If no licenses are available. we will display a pop-up that reads "It looks like you do not have enough licenses for all products. Please contact us at to add more licenses."
  • We should organize the list by Building when more than 1 Building is selected.
  • The number of licenses shown is based on the filters selected. For example, Let's imagine my district has purchased 100 Basic ABA Licenses and has allocated 10 to Building A. If I am Showing All, I will see _/100 licenses for the District (assuming I'm a Role 7) at the top level, and _/10 licenses for Building A above the team member list for each building (see drawing). If I have filtered to Building A, we will see _/10 licenses in use.
  • When filtered by more than 1 building, we will show all products available across all buildings selected. Meaning, if Building A has access to Basic ABA, Building B has access to both Basic & Advanced ABA, we will show all team members in both buildings A & B, and we will show Basic ABA and Advanced ABA. However, Advanced ABA can only be assigned to team members in Building B. We should grey out Advanced ABA next to team members in Building A.


We need to export this table to Excel to help customers with account clean up


  • There will be a button that reads Export
  • Clicking this button will prompt users to download an Excel File
  • The File will be formatted the same as the table
    • First Row
      • Team Member
      • Product 1
      • Product 2
      • Etc
    • Second Row
      • Name of First Team Member
      • Access denoted for each product

Business Rules

  • The file exported will be the same view as on the screen. For example, if the user has filtered to Building 1 and Paras, the file we export will reflect the same.