Student Center Assignments

We need to add a way to customize and manage assignments. Currently, activities assigned stay in the Student Center until they are unassigned by a team member. This leads to clutter in the Student Center and a lack of focus for all involved. Teachers also do not currently have an easy way to view what has been assigned and what has been completed. These are the problems we are looking to solve.

Assignments - Lesson Library


  • Abilities
    • We need to add ability to assign Activity separate from assigning the lesson.
  • SEL
    • We need to add the ability to assign the video. Assigning the video will display the SEL Lesson Video in the Student Center.
  • When a user clicks to assign an activity/SEL video/SEL quiz, a side panel will appear. On this side panel, they will be asked to select students to assign the activity to.

  • In the student specific lesson library, the user will not need to select the student.

  • From here, they will complete the assignment settings:
    • Recurring Slider
      • When the slider is set to recurring, the activity will be assigned on a recurring schedule. This is the default setting for Abilities Activities and SEL Videos.
        • Start Date will default to today's date. The user can click the calendar and change the date to a future date. This date dictates when the activity will appear in the student's student center.
        • End Date is optional. If the user chooses to include an end date, this date will indicate the end of the recurring assignment. Meaning, the activity will no longer be assigned in the student center after this date.
        • Repeat menu will set the frequency of the assignment. The options are:
          • Monthly
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/calendar month. Once the activity has been completed for the month, it will show under Completed this month. When a new month begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
          • Weekly
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/calendar week. Once the activity has been completed for the week, it will show under Completed this month. When a new week begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
          • Daily (Default)
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/day. Once the activity has been completed for the day, it will show under Completed this month. When a new day begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
        • Completion Slider
          • When the slider is set to required, the student must complete the activity based on the recurring schedule (i.e. at least once/week). If the student does not complete the activity on schedule, the activity will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the activity, it will no longer be considered overdue.
          • When the slider is not set to required (default), the assignment cannot be considered overdue 
        • When the slider is not set to recurring, the activity will only be assigned to the student once. Meaning once the student completes the activity, it will no longer show in the Student Center. This is the default setting for SEL Quizzes.
          • Start Date will default to today's date. The user can click the calendar and change the date to a future date. This date dictates when the activity will appear in the student's student center.
          • Completion Slider
            • When the slider is set to required, the user will set a due date.This is the date the student must complete the activity by. If the student does not complete the activity by the due date, the activity will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the activity, it will no longer be considered overdue.
            • When the slider is not set to required (default), there will be no due date & the assignment cannot be considered overdue.

Business Rules

  • Assigning an Abilities Lesson will no longer automatically assign the activity. This is now a separate action. Activities will be assigned by clicking Assign Activity.
  • When a user assigns a SEL Video, we will add the lesson videos to the Student Center.
  • For General Education Lessons, students can only be assigned videos/quizzes for their grade.
  • For Special Education Lessons, students may be assigned videos for any grade.
  • Users can only assign videos/quizzes/activities to students assigned to them
  • We will count against licenses.
  • If the user does not select recurring, the activity/video/quiz will show on Due Today and In the Activities tab (Abilities Activities) or Videos Tab (SEL Videos) in the Student Center. Once the student has completed this activity/video/quiz, it will be removed from Due Today and no longer available to the student in Activities/Videos tabs.
  • If the user selects recurring, the activity will show in Due Today based on recurring schedule and in the Activities tab (Abilities Activities) or Videos tab (SEL Videos) in the Student Center. For example, if I assign an Abilities  Activity as a weekly assignment, it will show under Due Today every week. Once the student completed the activity for the week, it will no longer show under Due Today until a new week begins. This activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end of the assignment period (if end date is included) or until it is unassigned.
  • If completion is required, the student must complete the assignment. If the student does not complete the assignment, it will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the assignment, it will no longer show as overdue.
    • Let's say a student is assigned an activity on a weekly schedule. Week One the student does not complete the activity at all. At the start of Week Two, this activity will show as Overdue. On Day 3 of Week 2, the student completes the activity. This activity will no longer show as Overdue.
  • Abilities Activities that are currently assigned to students will be set to a daily recurring schedule with no end date. Completion will not be required.
  • Quizzes currently assigned to students will be set to a non-recurring schedule with no due date (completion not required).

Abilities Assignments - Activity Center Area


  • In the Activity Center area of the educator account (, we need to add additional functionality to the assign button.
  • Once the user clicks assign, a side panel will appear asking the user to complete the assignment settings.
    • Recurring Slider
      • When the slider is set to recurring, the activity will be assigned on a recurring schedule. This is the default setting.
        • Start Date will default to today's date. The user can click the calendar and change the date to a future date. This date dictates when the activity will appear in the student's student center.
        • End Date is optional. If the user chooses to include an end date, this date will indicate the end of the recurring assignment. Meaning, the activity will no longer be assigned in the student center after this date.
        • Repeat menu will set the frequency of the assignment. The options are:
          • Monthly
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/calendar month. Once the activity has been completed for the month, it will show under Completed this month. When a new month begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
          • Weekly
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/calendar week. Once the activity has been completed for the week, it will show under Completed this month. When a new week begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
          • Daily (Default)
            • The activity will show under Due Today (My Assignments) in the Student Center once/day. Once the activity has been completed for the day, it will show under Completed this month. When a new day begins, the activity will show under Due Today again. The activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end date.
        • Completion Slider
          • When the slider is set to required, the student must complete the activity based on the recurring schedule (i.e. at least once/week). If the student does not complete the activity on schedule, the activity will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the activity, it will no longer be considered overdue.
          • When the slider is not set to required (default), the assignment cannot be considered overdue 

      • When the slider is not set to recurring, the activity will only be assigned to the student once. Meaning once the student completes the activity, it will no longer show in the Student Center.
        • Start Date will default to today's date. The user can click the calendar and change the date to a future date. This date dictates when the activity will appear in the student's student center.
        • Completion Slider
          • When the slider is set to required, the user will set a due date.This is the date the student must complete the activity by. If the student does not complete the activity by the due date, the activity will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the activity, it will no longer be considered overdue.
          • When the slider is not set to required (default), there will be no due date & the assignment cannot be considered overdue.

Business Rules

  • If the user does not select recurring, the activity will show on Due Today and In the Activities tab in the Student Center. Once the student has completed this activity, it will be removed from Due Today and no longer available to the student.
  • If the user selects recurring, the activity will show in Due Today based on recurring schedule and in the Activities tab in the Student Center. For example, if I assign an Activity as a weekly assignment, it will show under Due Today every week. Once the student completed the activity for the week, it will no longer show under Due Today until a new week begins. This activity will remain under the Activities tab until the end of the assignment period (if end date is included) or until it is unassigned.
  • If completion is required, the student must complete the assignment. If the student does not complete the assignment, it will be marked as Overdue in Manage Assignments area. Once the student completes the assignment, it will no longer show as overdue.
    • Let's say a student is assigned an activity on a weekly schedule. Week One the student does not complete the activity at all. At the start of Week Two, this activity will show as Overdue. On Day 3 of Week 2, the student completes the activity. This activity will no longer show as Overdue.
  • Activities that are currently assigned to students will be set to a daily recurring schedule with no end date. Completion will not be required.