Tasks tab | Inbox Platform Update | MTSS Suite


Tasks show users actions that need to be completed in relation to a document. These tasks would involve approving various reports and plans created by a teacher. Multiple users may have the ability to review the same document, so it is important for the user to understand if another team member has already approved the document.


Design Link: https://www.figma.com/file/vpP1bQPA4nQUqa63TEKyfR/Inbox?type=design&node-id=142%3A5590&t=pw1aQ27s6ZYDTzwJ-1 https://www.figma.com/file/vpP1bQPA4nQUqa63TEKyfR/Inbox?type=design&node-id=192%3A5505&t=pw1aQ27s6ZYDTzwJ-1

User Flows: https://www.figma.com/file/vpP1bQPA4nQUqa63TEKyfR/Inbox?type=design&node-id=107%3A4800&t=bzNhEkeQYNo0DL19-1



User Story

  • As an educator viewing the inbox, I want to see a list of all Tasks I need to complete, so that I know what items need my attention.



  • When a user clicks the Tasks tab in the Inbox, they will see a list of all tasks to complete.

  • The Tasks tab will be underlined and blue to indicate current tab

  • Tasks messages will be shown in both the Tasks inbox tab and the All inbox tab.

  • The tasks in the Tasks tab should be displayed in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

  • To Load more items, the user clicks on Load more button.

  • The type of each Task will be on the top heading line of each Task message:

    • Incident Report Task

    • Contract Task

    • Behavior Plan Task

    • Self-Monitoring Task





  • A user with NO Tasks in the Tasks tab will see an empty state.

(Tasks Empty State)



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive tasks AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I will see the Tasks tab underlined and in blue when I click the Tasks tab in the inbox.

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive tasks AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I can click the Tasks tab to see all Tasks.

  • Given I am a user with permission to read/send messages OR approve report OR receive tasks AND I have the MTSS-Intervention component, I can switch between tabs easily and quickly without any delays or errors.

  • Given I am a user that wants to view Tasks messages in the inbox, then I will be able to see Tasks messages in both the All tab and the Tasks tab in the Inbox.

  • The Tasks inbox messages will follow the format:

    • TASK type in the first heading line

    • STUDENT NAME in the second line

    • Brief message about TASK in the third line

  • Given I am a user viewing the Inbox and I have at least 1 unread Task(s) message, I will see a red dot next to the Tasks tab

  • Given I am a user viewing the Tasks tab and I DO NOT have at least 1 unread message, I will NOT see a red dot next to the Tasks tab

  • Given I am a user viewing a message in the Tasks tab and I have not yet clicked to read the message, I will see a red dot next to the message

  • Given I am a user viewing a message in the Tasks tab and I have read all messages in the Tasks tab, I will not see a red dot next to the messages

  • Given I am a user viewing the Tasks tab and I have NO messages (read or unread), I will see the empty state (See Image: Tasks Empty State)

  • The tasks in the Tasks tab should be displayed in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

  • We will show the following to denote the time the item has been in the inbox.

    • m means minutes ---Example: 2m

    • h means hours ---Example: 1h

    • d means days---Example: 4d

    • w means weeks ---Example 10w

    • y means year---Example 1y

View All

  • Given there are more than 10 items in the inbox in the All Tab, we will show the View All button.

  • Given View All button is selected, we will show an enlarged version of the inbox. (See page: Full Inbox)

  • Given no more remaining items are contained within the inbox for the All Tab, then we will not show the View all button.



User Story

  • As an educator viewing the Tasks tab in the inbox, I want to be able to mark all messages as Read or Delete All of the messages so that I can focus on the tasks I need to complete.


  • The user clicks “Mark all as read” to change notifications/messages to Read in the Tasks tab.




  • User sees all messages in Tasks tab without the orange dot and Tasks tab numbers in parentheses set to 0.

  • Tasks numbers are subtracted from the All tabs numbers in parentheses.



  • The user clicks “Delete All” under the Tasks tab in the inbox to remove all tasks from the tasks tab and all tab.


  • The user sees a warning message in the inbox area about Clearing Tasks.

  • The user clicks the Delete All button to remove all Tasks notifications and messages from the Tasks tab and All tab.

  • The user clicks the Cancel button to keep all Tasks notifications and messages in the Tasks tab and All tab.


  • The user sees an empty state message in the Tasks tab after Deleting Tasks.


  • The user clicks the grey “Delete” on a specific message in the inbox to remove the Task notification or message from the Tasks tab and the All tab.

Acceptance Criteria

Read All

  • Only messages that are unread are included in the count for the notification/message totals in parentheses next to each of the tabs.

    • These messages will have an orange dot.

  • Given a notification/message has been read, then it will no longer be included in the count for message totals in parentheses next to each of the tabs.

    • These messages will not have an orange dot.

    • These messages are still shown to the user.

  • Given Mark all as read is selected from the Inbox (Tasks Tab), then all of the messages in the Tasks tab will see the orange dot disappear and the number in parenthesis for the Tasks tab changes to 0. (See image: Read All Selected)

    • These messages are still shown to the user.

    • All of the Tasks notifications/messages in the All tabs section will see the orange dot disappear and the number in parenthesis for The All tab changes subtracts the Tasks number amount. (See image: Mark all as read Selected)


Delete Tasks, Delete

  • Given I am a user who clicks “Delete all” under the Tasks tab in the inbox, then I will see a warning message before the action is completed.

    • Given I am a user who clicks the “Delete” button on the inbox warning message, then all the Tasks notifications and messages will be removed from the Tasks Tab and also removed from the All tab.

    • Given I am a user who clicks the “Cancel” button on the warning message, then all Tasks notifications and messages will stay in the Tasks tab and the All tab.

  • Given I am a user who has clicked Delete All > Delete All, then I will see an empty state for the Tasks tab until more Tasks are received. (See image: Tasks Empty State)

  • Given I am a user who clicks the grey “Delete” on a specific notification or message, then that specific notification will be removed from the inbox in the Tasks tab and the All tab.

    • If the user clicks the grey Delete, then they will not see a warning message and the message will be removed from the inbox in both the Tasks tab and the All tab.



User Story

  • As an educator viewing the Tasks tab in the inbox, I want to view the details of a task(s), so I can take the necessary action to resolve the tasks.


  • The user clicks the blue “View” link to view the Task information.



  • User clicks View on Incident Report Task.


  • User is taken to and sees the specific approved Incident report.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on an Incident Report Task, then they will be taken to the approved incident report to view the document. (See images: View Incident Report Task and Approved Incident Report)

    • From the Incident Report document, the user can share with a student or caregiver/family member.

    • From the Incident Report document, the user can begin or continue a discussion.

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on a Contract Task, then they will be taken to that specific approved Behavior Contract to view the document.

    • From the approved Behavior Contract document, the user can change the Behavior Contract status to “Make Active”.

    • From the approved Behavior Contract document, the user can share with a student or caregiver/family member.

    • From the approved Behavior Contract document, the user can begin or continue a discussion.

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on a Behavior Plan Task, then they will be taken to that specific approved Behavior Plan to view the document.

    • From the approved Behavior Plan document, the user can share with a caregiver/family member.

    • From the Behavior Plan document, the user can begin or continue a discussion.

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on a Self-Monitoring Task, then they will be taken to that specific Self-Monitoring.

    • The user may view the data.

    • The user may deactivate the Self-Monitoring.

    • The user may print the tool.

    • The user may choose to Keep Working on the goal or Master the goal.


View All

  • Given there are more than 10 items in the inbox in the All Tab, we will show the View All button.

  • Given View All button is selected, we will show an enlarged version of the inbox. (See page: Full Inbox)

  • Given no more remaining items are contained within the inbox for the All Tab, then we will not show the View all button.



User Story

  • As an Admin viewing the Task tab, I need to view the details of each of documents sent to me so that I can approve the request and respond to the teacher who sent it.


  • The user clicks the blue “View” link to view the Task information.




  • Admin user clicks View on an Incident Report Task to review the sent Incident Report.


  • The admin user is taken to and sees the specific Incident to review and take action on.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on an Incident Report Task for an approved incident report, then they will be taken to the approved incident report to view the document.

    • From the Incident Report document, the user can share with a student or caregiver/family member.

    • From the Incident Report document, the user can begin or continue a discussion.

  • Give the admin user has an incident report to review from an educator, then they will be taken to the Incident Report Document to review. (See images: View Incident Report Task and Pending Incident Report)

    • The admin can edit the incident report prior to approving the report.

    • The admin can approve the incident report.

    • The admin user can begin or continue a discussion.

  • Given the admin user has a Behavior Contract document to review from an educator and clicks the View link, then they will be taken to the Behavior Contract document to review.

    • The admin user may edit the Behavior contract document

    • The admin user may approve the Behavior Contract document

    • The admin user may begin or continue a discussion

  • Given the admin user has a Behavior Contract document that they created and approved and the user clicks the View link, then they will be taken to the Behavior Contract document to review.

    • The admin user may change the Behavior Contract document status to “Make Active”

    • From the approved Behavior Contract document, the user can share with a student or caregiver/family member.

    • The admin user may begin or continue a discussion

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on a Behavior Plan Task, then they will be taken to that specific Behavior Plan to view the document.

    • From the Behavior Plan document, the admin user can edit the document.

    • From the Behavior Plan document, the admin user can begin or continue a discussion.

    • The admin user can approve the Behavior Plan document.

  • Given the user clicks the blue View link on a Self-Monitoring Task, then they will be taken to that specific Self-Monitoring.

    • The admin user may view the data.

    • The admin user may deactivate the Self-Monitoring.

    • The admin user may print the tool.

    • The admin user may choose to Keep Working on the goal or Master the goal.

  • Given that there are more than 10 messages in the inbox in the Alerts tab, we will show a View all button in the bottom center of the inbox that will open the Full Inbox.