Redesign Student Center

We need to re-design the Student Center so it flows better and makes more sense to users. We will offer designs for different age groups.

Design Themes


  • Younger

  • Older

Business Rules

  • Students ages 8 and under will see the younger theme
  • Students ages 9 and up will see the older theme

Design Elements


  • Rethink Ed will show in upper left corner

  • Timer
    • Clicking the timer will turn the timer for activities on/off
    • When the timer is on, the text will be blue. When the timer is off, the text will be greyed out.
  • Sound
    • Clicking the sound icon will turn the sound for activities on/off
    • When the sound is on, the text will be blue. When the sound of off, the text will be greyed out.
  • Messages
    • Do not show for initial launch

  • My Account
    • Clicking on the student's image/icon in the upper right corner will open a panel showing
      • Stars earned
      • Badges (do not need for initial launch - this will come later)
      • Change password. Clicking this will prompt the student to change their password.
      • Log out. Clicking this will log the student out.

  • Assignments
    • We will show assignments due today and assignments completed.

    • We will show navigation arrows for assignments due today and completed this month is more than 4 items exist
    • When a student clicks on an assignment Due Today, the activity/quiz/assessment/video will open.
    • If no assignments have been assigned, we will show a message stating No assignments due right now.
    • Students are not able to click on sel assessments or quizzes completed this month. They are able to click on activities and sel videos completed this month.
    • If no assignments have been completed this month, we will show a message stating No assignments were completed this month.

  • My Journal
    • This is a later enhancement. Do not need for initial launch.
  • Activities
    • Clicking on Activities will show all Abilities and SEL activities the student has access to.
    • We will show each category for which the student has activities available.
      • Expressive Language
      • Pre-Academic
      • Receptive Language
      • School Readiness
      • Social/Emotional
      • Awareness of Self & Others
      • Self-Management
      • Social Skills
      • Social Awareness
      • Self-Care
    • SEL activities will show as PDFs. Students must be able to download the PDF to print out.

  • Videos
    • Clicking on Videos will show all SEL videos the student has access to.
    • We will show all SEL lesson areas. Clicking on a lesson area will display all videos within that area.
      • Awareness of Self & Others
      • Self-Management
      • Social Skills
      • Social Awareness
      • Self-Care

Business Rules

  • By default, the timer and sound will be on (unless previously turned off).
  • Due today will show all activities, quizzes, and assessments not yet completed, as well as videos not yet viewed.
  • Completed assignments will show for the current month. Assignments completed during September will show from 9/1-9/30. Once we reach 10/1, those completed assignments will no longer show on the list.
  • Abilities Activities currently assigned to the student will continue to show under Due Today and under the Activities Tab.
  • Activities tab will list all Abilities &SEL Activities currently assigned to the student.This tab will only show if the student has been assigned at least 1 Abilities or SEL Activity.
    • Only categories with content assigned will show. Meaning if  Self-Care is the only category with assigned content, this is the only category that will show.
  • Videos will list all SEL Lesson Videos assigned to the student. This tab will only show if the student has been assigned at least 1 SEL Lesson Video. Assigned videos will remain under the Videos tab until the student moves to a new grade (gen ed only). Once the student moves to a new grade, we should unassign the video from the student. Tier 3 (grade band) videos will remain assigned.

Assign Videos & SEL Activities - Lesson Library


  • For SEL Lessons, we need to add an option to Assign Videos and Assign Activities under the actions menu
  • When a user clicks on Assign Video, all SEL Lesson Videos associated with the lesson will be assigned to the student in the Student Center. They will appear under Due Today and under the Videos tab.
  • When a user clicks on Assign Activities, all SEL lesson materials will be assigned to the student in the Student Center. They will appear under Due Today and under the Activities tab.

Business Rules

  • When a user assigns a SEL Video, we will add the lesson videos to the Student Center.
  • For General Education Lessons, students can only be assigned videos/activities/quizzes for their grade.
  • For Special Education Lessons, students may be assigned videos/activities for any grade.
  • We will count against licenses.