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We need to add an overview tile for users who have iReady integrated for MTSS that when clicked will lead to the MTSS admin reports.Need an image.

User Story

  • As an administrator, I want to know the percentage of kids that are on Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 for ELA, Math for iReady Integration.


Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

iReady Fields-For Integration

  • See: Integrations Fields | iReady for complete list

  • List of fields for integrations use throughout product to match student to District, School, Grade, Academic year(s)

    • last_name

    • first_name

    • student_id

    • student_grade

    • academic_year

    • school

    • district_state_id

    • school_state_id

    • student_state_id

iReady Fields -For mapping to charts and graphs throughout the product

  • See: Mutual Content Fields | iReady | MTSS Dashboard for complete list.

  • completion_date

    • Given the value for the completion_date occurs within a given testing window (See Date ranges for Fall, Winter Spring tests from iReady below), and the completion_date field is on the same line of data as the value of Y in the most_recent_diagnostic_y_n field, then we will use that line to fill the graph for either Fall, Winter or Spring.

    • Graphs are created using one data point per testing window (Fall, Winter, Spring).

    • Given a student has taken a test multiple times during the same testing window then we will used their most recent score in the graph (most_recent_diagnostic_y_n and a completion_date within the start and end of the testing window identifies this value).

    • Given a student has not taken a test during a testing window, then they are included in the No Data section of the graph.

  • most_recent_diagnostic_y_n

    • Field shows Y for Yes and N for No.

    • Given the field shows a value of Y, then we will use the data point to populate the graph

    • Given the field shows a value of N, then we will NOT use the data point to populate the graph.

    • We will have at most 1 score per student per testing window.

  • percentile

Define School Year

  • We will use our Define School Year Rules to detemine:

    • the first day of school as the first day of the fall testing window.

    • the last day of school as the last day of the spring testing window.

Date ranges for Fall, Winter Spring tests from iReady

Fall end: 11-15-2022

Winter Start: 11-16-2022

Winter End: 3-1-2023

Spring Start: 3-2-2023

  • This requires maintenance to include iReady norming dates for tests and is updated yearly---Are there additional ideas to lock down dates?

  • We will use yearly iReady publications to determine:

    • the end of the Fall testing window

    • the beginning of the Winter testing window

    • the end of the Winter testing window

    • the beginning of the Spring testing window.