My Students

We need to make changes to the My Students area to improve UX for admins and users with access to a large number of students.


New Users (over 100 students)


  • The first time a user clicks on the Students area, they will be prompted to perform a search


  • The user may type in the name of a student to search for a specific student. They must hit the Search button in order to complete the search.

  • Alternatively, the user may search for students by using the filters.

  • First, the user will select a region.

  • Next, the user will select a building.

  • The user may now filter by Team Member, Classroom, or Grade

  • Once the user has made all selections, they will hit the update button.

  • Once the search button has been hit, we will display all relevant matches and the search box will be replaced by a search bar above the results.

  • Admin users will see their search results in a table format. This table will show student name, grade, building, and a view button. Clicking this button will take the user to that student’s dashboard.

  • This view will also group students alphabetically. If the user clicks E-H (for example), any student who’s last name ends in E-H will show.



Business Rules

  • This search box will show for all users who have never selected a student from the Students area AND who have access to more than 100 students

  • Region

    • If the user has access to multiple regions, they will first need to select a region.

    • No other choices can be made until a region has been selected.

    • This is a single select.

  • Building

    • A region does not need to be selected before a building can be selected

    • We will only show buildings assigned to the selected region.

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 region, they will go straight to the building filter (region filter will not show)

    • This is required

  • Team Member

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • Only users marked “is admin role” will see this option

    • We will only show team members assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected building assigned to the selected team member that the user has access to

  • Classroom

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • Only users with access to at least 1 classroom will see the classroom filter.

    • We will only show classrooms assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected building assigned to the selected classroom that the user has access to

  • Grade

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • This is a single select

    • This is not required

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected grade that meet the above criteria

  • Students will be listed alphabetically by name name (but name will be displayed First Name Last Name)

Returning Users


  • If the user has previously clicked on at least 1 student, we will display the 12 most recently viewed students with the heading Recently Viewed Students

  • The filters will show above this list

  • Non-admins will see this view. Clicking view all students will load all of the students assigned to the user.

  • Admins will see this view


Business Rules

  • We will show recently viewed students until a new search has been performed

  • This applies to users who have access to more than 20 students


| Filters


  • We will show a search bar with the last search criteria filled in.

  • The user may up update the search fields at the top of the screen and hit the update button to process the request OR they may hit the clear all button to reset the search fields.

  • The user may type in the name of a student to search for a specific student. They must hit the Update button in order to complete the search.

  • Alternatively, the user may search for students by using the filters.

  • First, the user will select a region and/or building

  • Next, he user may filter by Team Member, Classroom, or Grade

  • Once the user has made all selections, they will hit the update button.


Business Rules

  • We will retain the search criteria for the entire session the user is logged in. Meaning, if the user performs a search, clicks somewhere else on the site, and then returns to the Students area, this search criteria will remain as will the list of searched students.

  • Region

    • If the user has access to multiple regions, they will first need to select a region.

    • No other choices can be made until a region has been selected.

    • This is a single select.

  • Building

    • A region does not need to be selected before a building can be selected

    • We will only show buildings assigned to the selected region.

    • This is a single select.

    • If the user does not have access to more than 1 region, they will go straight to the building filter (region filter will not show)

    • This is required

  • Team Member

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • Only users marked “is admin role” will see this option

    • We will only show team members assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected building assigned to the selected team member that the user has access to

  • Classroom

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • Only users with access to at least 1 classroom will see the classroom filter.

    • We will only show classrooms assigned to the selected building.

    • This is a single select

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected building assigned to the selected classroom that the user has access to

  • Grade

    • Once a building has been selected, this filter will become available

    • This is a single select

    • This is not required

    • The search results will produce the students in the selected grade that meet the above criteria