Lesson Domains (Admin Reports)

We need to add a new section to the admin reports that allows users to view which lesson domains have been taught and how much progress is made per domain. We also need to add a summary box to the overview report.

DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=3777%3A0

General Concept


  • When the user clicks on the lesson domains report, they will see 2 pill tabs:

    • Lessons

    • Progress

  • For both of these reports, the user will have the option to view Special Education Skills or Social Emotional Learning or Mental Health

  • All of these reports will be in table format


Business Rules

  • This report will show if any of the buildings in our filter selection have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL or Mental Health team member or student licenses

  • We will default to the Lessons report

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