Overview Graph (Lesson Domains)

We need to add a block to the overview graph report detailing the number of domains accessed within the date range. The idea here is to allow administrators to quickly see which domains educators and students have accessed.

User Story: As an admin, I want to see which lesson domains my teachers and students are accessing, so I can ensure we are meeting district educational goals.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am an administrator who belongs to an account that has purchased Skills or SEL SEL, I will see a block called Lesson Domains on the Overview Graph page

  • Given I am an administrator who belongs to an account that has NOT purchased Skills or SEL SEL, I will NOT see a block called Lesson Domains on the Overview Graph page

  • Given at least 1 team member viewed a lesson video/lesson plan/lesson material OR at least 1 student completed a lesson/video/activity/quiz OR at least 1 student mastered a target/objective/goal for a given domain, we will count that as a domain taught

  • Given at least 1 team member viewed a lesson video/lesson plan/lesson material for a given domain, I will see that domain listed for Educators accessed

  • Given at least 1 student completed a lesson/video/activity/quiz OR at least 1 student mastered a target/objective/goal for a given domain, I will see that domain listed for Students accessed

  • Given I have filtered by students, I will not see what Educators accessed AND the report will not count any domains accessed by Educators (unless students also accessed that domain)

  • Given I have clicked on the View more button, I will be taken to the Lesson Domains reports.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=16279%3A178980

General Concept


  • If no domains were accessed by educators or students within the date range, we will show 0 domains taught


Business Rules

  • This block will show if any of the buildings in the filter selection have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Team Member viewed a lesson video

    • Team Member viewed a lesson plan

    • Team Member viewed a lesson material

    • Student viewed a lesson video

    • Student completed an activity

    • Student completed a quiz

    • Student mastered a target

    • Student mastered an objective

    • Student mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Team Member viewed a lesson video

    • Team Member viewed a lesson plan

    • Team Member viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Student viewed a lesson video

    • Student completed an activity

    • Student completed a quiz

    • Student mastered a target

    • Student mastered an objective

    • Student mastered a goal



  • No change to the design when filtering by district

Business Rules

  • This block will show if the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at the district of any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

    • A Student at any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at the district or any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Student at any of the district’s child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal



  • No change to the design when filtering by region

Business Rules

  • This block will show if any of the selected regions or any of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at any of the selected regions of any of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

    • A Student at any of the selected regions of any of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at any of the selected regions of any of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Student at any of the selected regions of any of the selected regions' child accounts the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal



  • No change to the design when filtering by building

Business Rules

  • This block will show if any of the selected buildings have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at any of the selected buildings:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

    • A Student at any of the selected buildings:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member at any of the selected buildings:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Student at any of the selected buildings:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal



  • No change to the design when filtering by building

Business Rules

  • This block will show if any team members with any of the selected roles at any account the user has access to have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member with the selected role at any account the user access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

    • A Student assigned to a team member with the selected role at any building the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Team Member with the selected role at any account the user access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Student assigned to a team member with the selected role at any building the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

Team Member


  • No change to the design when filtering by building

Business Rules

  • This block will show if any of the selected team members at any account the user has access to have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL team member or student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Any of the selected team members:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

    • A Student assigned to any of the selected team members at any building the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Educators accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Any of the selected team members:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • viewed a lesson plan

      • viewed a lesson material

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • A Student assigned to any of the selected team members at any building the user has access to:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal



  • We will add a block to the overview graphs report called Lesson Domains

  • This block will show the total number of domains accessed students

  • Below this number, we will list which domains students accessed

Business Rules

  • This block will show if any of the selected team members at any account the user has access to have been allocated Skills or SEL SEL student licenses.

  • We will calculate the total number of domains taught as the number of unique lesson domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Any of the selected students:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal

  • Students accessed statement will list the specific domains in which at least 1 of the following occurred:

    • Any of the selected students:

      • viewed a lesson video

      • completed an activity

      • completed a quiz

      • mastered a target

      • mastered an objective

      • mastered a goal