Add Quizzes to Manage Assignments | Quiz Enhancements

We need to move quizzes from the quiz box to Manage Assignments.

User Story:

  1. As a teacher, I want to view all assignments types in once place, so I can stay organized.

  2. As a teacher, I want to view the quizzes my students completed and provide them with feedback, so I can ensure they are strengthening their skills.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I on the Manage Assignments screen, I will see a list of all quizzes assigned and/or completed by the students I currently have access to based on filter selections.


  • When a user views the Manage Assignments screen, they will now see all assigned quizzes included on this screen

  • When the user clicks on a quiz, they will be taken to the Manage Specific Quiz screen.

Business Rules

  • We will list all SEL/Mental Health quizzes where:

    • At least 1 student the user has access to is assigned the item within the date range (meaning, the item shows under due today within the date range)

  • Domain will show the lesson domain associated with the item

  • Area will show the lesson area associated with the item. For mental health items, this column will show NA.

  • Type will show Quiz.

  • Grade will show the grade associated with the item

  • Tier will show the tier(s) associated with the item. For Mental Health items, we will show NA.

  • Last Assigned will show the most recent date any student the user currently has access to was assigned the item. If the item has never been assigned, we will show --

  • Have Completed will show the number of students the user currently has access to who have submitted the item within the date range

  • Have Not Completed will show the number of students the user currently has access to who are assigned the item but have not submitted the item within the date range