Group Dashboard

This area is designed to allow users to complete Rethink tasks for a group instead of going into an individual student's dashboard or a full classroom. The purpose is to make Rethink easier to use in the classroom environment. It needs to be customizable. It is almost identical to Classrooms, but hosts a sub-set of students/team members/parents. This will be helpful for educators with large caseloads.


Business Rules

  • Any team member assigned to the group will have access to this page.
  • The classroom owner will have access to all groups within the classroom
  • Any user with permission to view all classrooms will have access to all groups for all classrooms in the buildings the classrooms are assigned to. If the admin does not have access to all buildings assigned to the classroom/group, they will not see that classroom/group.
  • The Group Name will display the name of the group