Admin Alerts | Alerts | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite
We need to create a report where admins can reference these alerts at any time, and apply filters to better understand trends across the district.
User Stories:
As an administrator, I want to know when the student triggered the alert and if they have triggered other alerts in the past, so I can put the whole picture together
As an administrator, I want to view more details on a student who triggers an alert, so I can better understand what is happening with the student
As an administrator, I want to know what my call to action is when a student triggers an alert, so I can start to help this student ASAP
As a district administrator, I want to filter my alerts, so I can better understand trends across the district
As a school administrator, I want to view the alerts for my building, so I have a better sense of how serious incidents are in my building
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district where a student has triggered an alert, I will see an alert message in my inbox unless I have opted out of receiving messages in the Rethink inbox
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district where a student has triggered an alert, I will see the students name, date of last alert, and the total incident alerts triggered by the student in the alerts section of the admin dashboard
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district, I will see the most recent alert at the top in chronological order to the oldest alert at bottom
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district, I will see the alert criteria in the incident alert settings matches the criteria listed on the Behavior Alert Page
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district, I will see the red dot next to the Alert tab disappear once I visit the Alert Behavior Page
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district and I have updated the alert settings, I will see the new criteria set in the alert settings match the criteria listed for the next student who triggers an alert on the Alert Behavior page
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district, I will be able to export a csv or excel file with the student, building, alert date, alert type, and alert criteria
Given I am an admin of a building/s or district, I will be able to print a pdf of the current selections on the Behavior Alerts Screen with the Title Student Behavior Alerts, date range, and subtitles detailing the filter selections
Given I am a user without access to MTSS interventions with incidents selected, I will not see the alerts bell or alerts report.
General Concept
If the user clicks on the number or the word alerts in the header will take the user to the Behavior Alert page
If the user clicks on the Alerts in the Reports tab, they will see the Behavior alerts page
We will add a tab for Alerts in the admin reports
If the user does not have access to MTSS with incidents selected, they will not see the alert bell or alerts report.
Business Rules
Alerts will show if the user has access to MTSS Interventions
Admin roles 5-7 will receive alerts in the alerts section and in the Rethink inbox if they haven’t opted out
For this project, we are focusing on Incident Alerts. Other alerts are tied to other projects.
We will show the students who have triggered the incident alert based on the filter settings.
Once the user has updated the incident settings, the alert will show once students reach the given setting
By default, we will sort by last alert date (most recent first)
Users without access to MTSS with incidents selected, will not see the alert bell or alerts report.
DEV - LET’S DISCUSS PERFORMANCE HERE. Districts will want to view any student in the district who triggered an alert. With a large enough date range, it is possible this list could be long.
Alert Signals
The total number of new alerts will show in the top header inside a bell
If the user clicks on the number, bell, or word New Alerts they will see the Behavior Alerts Page
Once the user visits the Behavior Alerts page, the Alerts Total in the header will show as 0
There will also be a red dot signal next to the Admin reports menu Alert tab until the user clicks to view the Alerts Behavior page
Once the user visits the Alert Behavior Page, the red dot will disappear
Business Rules
If the alerts reach 99 or higher, we will show 99+ until the user clicks to view the Alerts Page
The red dot will remain next to the Alert tab until the user visits the Alert Behavior Page
Behavior Alerts Page
In Reports, we will add a new section for Alerts
Clicking this section will show a summary of the number of alerts triggered.
Below this, the user will see a list of students who have triggered the incident alert, the number of incident alerts triggered by each student, and the date the alert was last triggered.
Clicking on the number of alerts will expand the report to show the date and time each incident alert was triggered, as well as the alert criteria
The user should be able to sort by any column
When user selects VIEW DETAILS button, the user is taken to Student Alerts page.
If no alerts were triggered within the selected date range, we will show a message stating this: There is no data to show for your current query
Business Rules
By default, we will sort by last alert date (most recent first)
Once the alerts settings are updated, the next time a student triggers an alert the new criteria will show for the date that the student reached the criteria
Alert Icon
The New Alert symbol (bell with exclamation point inside and text New beneath image) appears next to the student(s) who are included in the new alert when the user first opens the Behavior Alerts Page .
The New Alert symbol matches the number in the New Alerts header.
The New Alert symbol(s) will be removed at the same time as the header alert indicator is returned to zero (0) once the user visits another area of the platform.
Business Rules
The New Alert symbol only appears once when the user first opens the Behavior Alerts Page.
If user leaves Behavior Alerts page after viewing the New Alerts updates and returns, the New Alert symbol(s) will no longer appear on the Behavior Alerts page.
When the user clicks on Export, they will have the option to export as excel or CSV
The file will show a row for each student each time they have triggered the alert
We will show a column for student name, building, alert date, alert type, and alert criteria
Business Rules
We will export based on the filters selected
We will group by Student and students will be listed alphabetically by last name. However names will be written as First Name Last Name.
Building will show the building the student currently belongs to
Alert date will show the date the alert was triggered. If the student triggered multiple alerts, we will show a row for each date the alert was triggered.
Alert type will show Incident
Alert Criteria will list the criteria for triggering the alert
When the user clicks on Print, they will see the printable PDF version of the report
Business Rules
When the user clicks the print button, we will print the full report based on the currently viewed tab
We will print the table as shown on the screen based on selections
We will not print the filters, side panel, pill tabs, or drop-down menu
We will show a title on the report of Student Behavior Alerts from INSERT FILTER START DATE to INSERT FILTER END DATE
We will show a sub-title detailing the filter selections
District would show district name
Region would show region name
Building would show building name
Role would show role name
Team Member would show region name
Student would show the names of the select students