Student Alerts | Alerts | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to create an area tied to the individual student so we can review all alerts triggered by that student.

User Stories:

  • As an educator, I want to view the alerts triggered by a single student, so I can better understand the student’s history

  • As an educator, I want to know what the alert criteria is when I am viewing the report, so I understand why the student triggered an alert


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions, view reports, and student permissions, I will see alerts in the student dashboard

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and the student involved in the incident is assigned to me, I will see the alert in the student dashboard

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and the student involved in the incident is assigned to me, I will see the # of Alerts that the student has been involved with in the past 30 days

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and if the student involved in the incident is assigned to me has not triggered an alert in the past 30 days, we will show show 0 incidents report message and no red indicator in menu

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and if I am viewing the student involved in an incident, I will see the default set to the past 30 days

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and if the student involved in the incident is assigned to me, I will see the report will show the number of alerts triggered by the student within the date range

  • Given I am a user who has access to MTSS Interventions and if the student involved in the incident is assigned to me, I will see the details of the report will also show the incident types, number of occurrences, and the dates for the given date range

  • Given I am a user without access to MTSS interventions with incidents selected, I will not see the alerts bell or alerts report.



Student Dashboard


  • On the student dashboard menu next to Alerts, we will show an indicator if there are any active alerts for the student

  • Clicking on alerts will take the user to the Behavior Alerts Report

  • If there are no active alerts, the red indicator will not show next to incidents

Business Rules

  • Alerts will show if the user has access to MTSS Interventions and permission to receive alerts

  • Alerts will show to any teacher assigned to the student

  • We will show the # of incidents that the student has been involved with in the past 30 days

  • If the student has not triggered an alert in the past 30 days, we will show show 0 incidents report message and no red indicator in menu

  • Accounts without MTSS with incidents selected will not see the alert or alert report.


Adjust the Date


  • We will show a report of the alerts for the past 30 days

  • The user may click on Past 30 days to change the date range.

    • They will see the pre-set options of:

      • Today

      • Yesterday

      • Past 7 Days

      • Past 30 Days

      • Past 90 Days

      • Past Year

    • Alternatively they may enter a custom date range by clicking two dates as a start and end date on the calendar.

  • Once the date range has been changed, we will see this reflected on the report (in place of the text Past 30 Days).


Business Rules

  • Date will default to past 30 days

  • Date range cannot be in the future.


Total Number of Alerts


  • The user will see the number of alerts triggered within the selected date range based on the Alerts Settings


  • If no incidents were reported within the date range, the user will see 0 alerts, occurrences, and n/a for last occurrence

  • The alert criteria should match the saved alert settings


Business Rules

  • We will show the number of alerts triggered for this student in any classroom (or if no classroom was selected) within the date range.

  • The alerts will NOT reset like the admin alerts when the user visits the page and leaves. It will always show the total alerts for the student for the given filtered time frame

  • The Alert Criteria shown should match the saved alert settings


Alert Report


  • Below the total number of Alerts, the user will see the occurrences and last occurrence

  • If the user clicks on the down arrow next to the alert, it will expand to show the incident alert type, number of each occurrence, and the date of each occurrence

  • Multiple incident types for the same date will be listed with a comma separating each incident type


  • If the user clicks the up arrow next to an incident, the details will collapse/hide.

Business Rules

  • By default, all incidents will be collapsed & no details will show.

  • The dates will be in backwards chronological order with the most recent date at the top





  • If the user clicks the print button, a PDF of the report will show


  • The report will show the rethink ed logo in the upper left corner and a heading of STUDENT FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL’S Alert Report

  • We will show a sub-heading with the date range

Business Rules

  • We will print the report based on the date range selected

  • We will print the report with all Alerts expanded (showing all details)

  • We will not print the print/export buttons




  • If the user clicks the export button, they will be prompted to download an excel file


  • Incidents

    • We will show a column for:

      • Incident Alerts

      • occurrences

      • Last occurrence


Business Rules

  • We will export the report based on the date range and student selected

  • We will sort the list by date, with the most recent incident/action at the top

  • We will export the report with all Alerts expanded (showing all details)