Video Questions Assignable Activity

We need to create Video questions as an Assignable Activity starting with SEL grades 6-12. The student will be able to input answers. This will impact the following areas: Assign, Manage Assignments, Student Center, Admin Reports, Classroom Reports.

210 files (6-12 for each topic)




User Story

  • As a user who creates SEL Assignments for my students, I need a way to include video questions so that my students can deepen their learning.






  • When the user assigns content for the whole lesson, the Video questions will be included.

  • To assign Video Questions, the user clicks on Questions: title contained under the Learn field and selects the students.

  • When finished selecting students, user clicks on Save all button and confirms the assignment from the pop-up.



  • To complete the assignment process, the user clicks on the Done button.

(Confirmation Page)


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a selected assignment has video questions, then the Video questions field will show the available video question option(s). (See image: Video Questions)

  • Video Questions are PDF files. (PDF’s coming this week) with spreadsheet

  • Given Video Questions have been assigned to a student(s), then it will be included in the Student Center for that student.

  • Given the Save All button is selected, then the Confirmation page will show. (See image: Confirmation Page)

  • Given video questions has been assigned, then it will be listed on the confirmation page.

  • Given the Done button is selected, then the Confirmation page is removed and user is returned to the Lesson Library beneath it.


Manage Assignments:

User Story

  • As a user who has included Video Questions, I need a way to view and manage that assignment so that I will know when it is completed by the students.





  • We will add Questions as an Assignment type.


  • To view the specific assignment, the user clicks on the blue link under Name column.


Acceptance Criteria

  • We will add an additional assignment type called: Questions.

  • Given Video Questions has been included as part of an assignment for at least one student, then it is included under the name column and Questions will show in the type column. (See image: Assignment Page)

  • Given an assignment is selected to view/manage (See image: Video Questions Assignment), then it will show on the Student Progress page. (See image: Student Progress)

  • The same rules apply for Unassign/Reassign as already established. (See: Connect MTSS Plans to SEL lessons) for Unassign All button. Look for image: Unassign All.


Student Center

User Story

  • As a student user, I need to be able to identify and click on my Video Questions card so that I can input my answers in the correct place.


  • User sees Video Questions card and clicks to open the assignment.


  • Student user clicks on Video questions to view and answer the questions that accompany the video.

  • Student text enters their response for the Let’s discuss questions in the space provided on the PDF.


Acceptance Criteria

  • At this time we are only updated the older student version to include Video Questions. (See image: Older Student)

  • Given the student selects Start from the video questions card, we will show the PDF that accompanies the video. (See image: Video Questions)

    • The PDF has a text enter function so student user can type their responses for the questions that accompany the video. (See image: Sample PDF)

  • We will show new icons for Video Questions. (Place holder) The images show old icons and will be updated soon)


Admin Reports

User Story

As an admin user, I need a way to see the number of students who are assigned Social and Emotional Learning Activities so that I will know that Social and Emotional learning resources are being implemented in each grade level.




  • User clicks on Social Emotional Learning Activities from the filter options to view the number of students at each grade level who have been assigned Social/Emotional learning activities.


  • User select Instruction from the drop down filter and Video Questions are part of the count for materials.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a Social Emotional Learning Video Questions (Assignments) Activity has been assigned for a student(s), it will be counted in the Admin report. It is included in the count for Number of Activities and Social Emotional Learning Activities. (See image: Admin Report)

  • Given a Social Emotional Learning Video Questions Activity has been assigned for student(s), then it will be counted within the materials list. (See image: Materials List)

  • Given user selects Prep from the Instruction drop down, Video Questions Prep information will be contained in the list. (See image: Materials List)

  • Given user selects Instruction from the Instruction drop down, Video Questions instruction information will be contained in the list. (See image: Materials List)



Classroom Report

User Story

  • As an admin user who is viewing the Overview report, I expect to see Video Questions included in the activities section so that I have a complete count of all the types of activities the student are doing.

  • As a teacher or an admin user who is viewing the Classroom report, I expect to see Video Questions included in the column for Questions so that I will know which students have completed the Social Emotional Learning Video Questions I assigned to them.


  • To view the classroom report for Social Emotional Learning, the user clicks on the View More Button from the Social Emotional Learning card.


  • User sees classroom report with Social Emotional Activities column.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a student has completed a Social Emotional Video Questions, it is counted within the competed activities on the Social Emotional Learning card. (See image: Classroom Overview)

  • Given a student has completed a Social Emotional Video Questions, it is included in the count for questions and shown in the questions column. (See image: Classroom Report).



User Story

  • As a user who has Canvas, I need a way to assign and manage Social Emotional Video Questions for my students so that I may differentiate the learning according to the student’s needs.


  • To embed a Social Emotional Video Questions into an assignment for a student, the user clicks Embed button next to the lesson.

  • To view a Social Emotional Learning Video Questions, the user clicks on the View button.


  • To embed the Social Emotional Learning Video Questions from the View screen, the user clicks on Embed.


Acceptance Criteria

  • We will show the Social Emotional Learning Video Questions as Questions under the type column.


User Story

  • As a user who has Schoology, I need a way to assign and manage Social Emotional Learning Video Questions for my students so that I may differentiate the learning according to the student’s needs.


  • While in the Assignment screen, user clicks on View to view the student’s assignment.


  • We will show the Assignment category as Questions in the top bar.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given a Social Emotional Extension activity is assigned to the student, we will show it listed at the top as Questions. (See image: Video Questions.)