Star Reading | Renaissance | Assessment Integration

We need to show mapping for Star Reading to our RethinkEd Platform.

We need to determine Tier Level designations.


Academic Assessment Data:


See: Renaissance for more information about Tiering and students whose scores are in close proximity to a different tier Level.

  • Tara has created a spreadsheet (named “tier_mappings_for_academic_asessments” + date/time stamp) to show default tiers and at-risk/approaching indicators for academic assessments across all different assessment makers (iReady, Renaissance, NWEA MAP, etc.). She has written code that will help update the spreadsheet as we integrate new academic assessments. The idea is for DEV to use this spreadsheet as the source of truth for tier recommendations, at-risk, and approaching indicators for academic assessments.

    Important note: DEV will always use the .csv file with the most recent date/time stamp in its name from the following SharePoint folder: MTSS Academic Assessment Mapping. For this assessment, the specs below also spell out how default tiers will work, but all of this same information is also in the most recent .csv file.

  • For each season (as defined by the column ScreeningPeriodWindowName), tiering will be based on the most recent value of the PercentileRank column for each student, where most recent is determined by the CompletedDateLocal column and each student is identified StudentUserID column. Note that in current designs (week of 06/19/23), information on tiering is provided for each season, so tiers should be shown separately by season. We specify to look at the most recent date in case a student completed the assessment twice in the same season. Important note: Designs for the week of 07/17/2023 combine English Language Arts results across Star Reading and Star Early Literacy. Some students will have separate results in the same season for both tests. If that happens, use the most recent assessment results to map to a tier, regardless of whether those results are from Star Early Literacy or Star Reading (see ).


    • Here is the mapping for students for default tiers (see note below about when users change the default):

      Using the most recent date (as per the CompletedDateLocal column) within each student (as identified by the value in the StudentUserID column) and each value of ScreeningPeriodWindowName (so that students have a tier for each value of ScreeningPeriodWindowName):

      • PercentileRank < 10 = tier 3

      • For the case when PercentileRank >= 8 & PercentileRank < 10 the student will be assigned to tier 3 with an approaching indicator (such as an up arrow) showing that they are close to moving to tier 2

      • PercentileRank >= 10 & PercentileRank < 25 = tier 2

      • For the case when PercentileRank >= 10 & PercentileRank < 12 the student will be assigned to tier 2 with an at risk indicator (such as a down arrow) showing that they are close to moving to tier 3

      • For the case when PercentileRank >= 23 & PercentileRank < 25 the student will be assigned to tier 2 with an approaching indicator (such as an up arrow) showing that they are close to moving to tier 1

      • PercentileRank >= 25 = tier 1

      • For the case when PercentileRank >= 25 & PercentileRank < 27 the student will be assigned to tier 1 with an at risk indicator (such as a down arrow) showing that they are close to moving to tier 2

    Important note: When a user changes from the default mapping for tiers, the at risk indicator (such as a down arrow) will apply when the student has the minimum PercentileRank or the minimum PercentileRank +1 for tier 1 or tier 2. The approaching indicator (such as an up arrow) will apply when the student has the maximum PercentileRank or the maximum PercentileRank -1 for tier 2 or tier 3.

MTSS Dashboard where fields are present: Admin, Classroom, Student





Star Reading Fields

Renaissance Field

Rethink Field

Mapping Points

Logic for Rethink Set Up


Scaled Score

  • Scaled Score is seen by user as a heading and beneath it is the scaled score for the student.


  • Used in Student View as part of graphs and charts.

  • Scaled scores are different for each grade so graphs need to reflect a starting and ending range that shows the user scaled scores that particular grade and student. (See outside link to Renaissance Benchmark Cut Scores).

Renaissance Field Information:

Scaled Score of student’s Star Reading test (0-
1400); this is the Enterprise Scale.





  • Users see The Star ELA Tab when a student has taken the Star ELA test in the year selected.


  • User CurrentGrade to place student in the correct grade level.

  • Grade can be a back up used for problem solving to identify which grade level assessment was taken.

  • Although Star Reading is given to grades 3 and above, some districts may instead give an older student the Star Early Literacy test because the student’s skills are at that level. Expect some outliers.

  • Given a student has taken the Star Reading, then we will show the Star ELA Tab.

Renaissance Field Information:


Student’s grade enrollment in Renaissance at the
time the extract was run.


Grade level of the assessment taken (this may be
adjusted in Renaissance).


Grade Equivalent

  • Grade Equivalent is seen by user as a heading and beneath it is a grade equivalency for the student.


  • Used in Student View as part of graphs and charts. (See image: Grade Equivalent)

  • Grade equivalency is provided for each season of the test and is part of data collection specific to the seasons.

    • See below for: ScreeningPeriodWindowName, ScreeningWindowStartDate, ScreeningWindowEndDate

Renaissance Field Information:

Grade Equivalent (GE) value. Grade Equivalent
scores range from 0.0 to 12.9+. They represent
how a student’s test performance compares with
that of other students nationally. A GE score
preceded by a “greater than” sign (>) is a capped
score. GE scores in excess of three grade levels
above the student’s actual grade are capped,
meaning that such GE scores are shown as “>
[student’s actual grade level + 3].” This prevents
the misinterpretation that students with

© 2023 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. | R63547.230421 8
Field Description
excessively high GE scores are capable of work
at those higher grades.




Percentile Rank

  • Percentile is seen by user as a heading and the student’s percentile is shown beneath it in the Student View


  • Used in several areas including: Student View, Classroom View, Account Settings

  • Percentile Rank (PR) is used to determine the benchmarks categories for Renaissance (At / Above = PR 40, On Watch=PR 25-39, Intervention=PR 10-24, Urgent Intervention=PR below 10) so we are stuck with them for the corresponding text equivalent.

    • We allow users to adjust the Tier levels based on these benchmarks (See image: Settings).

Renaissance Field Information:

 Percentile rank (PR) value. Norm-referenced
score provides a measure of student’s reading
ability compared to other students in the same
grade nationally; it indicates the percentage of the
students nationally who obtained scores equal to
or lower than the score of the student. Scores
range from 1 to 99.


  • Shown on Student View


  • Extra time is a heading with either of the following responses given:

    • Yes

    • No

Renaissance Field Information

“Yes” if the student was given extra time to complete the test.

Empty State

  • Given the value is null or left empty, then we will not show the heading nor the value beneath it on the Student View.


  • Screening window start date is not shown to the user but is used to determine what information is contained within each of the seasons.


  • Used to determine the start date for each of the tests: Fall, Winter and Spring.

  • In addition, our settings allow users to change Tier designation BEFORE the testing window begins for Star Early Literacy, Star Literacy and Star Math. (See: Settings)

  • See Star Early Literacy for image in settings.

Renaissance Field Information

Start date of screening window (blank if outside of
This will only be populated as long as the school
the assessment is linked to is tied to a screening
window on the site and the assessment taken falls
within that window.


  • Screening window end date is not shown to the user but is used to determine what information is contained within each of the seasons.


  • Used to determine the end date for each of the tests: Fall, Winter and Spring.

  • See Star Early Literacy for example of an empty state in the Student View.

Renaissance Field Information

End date of screening window (blank if outside of
This will only be populated as long as the school
the assessment is linked to is tied to a screening
window on the site and the assessment taken falls
within that window.




  • This shows as Fall, Winter, Spring in the designs

  • We will be combining Star Early Literacy with Star Literacy to show the tier levels in the graph.

  • We need to name each of the seasons for ELA:

    • ELA Fall

    • ELA Winter

    • ELA Spring

  • Test needs to be given within the testing window in order to count. Field to determine this are: ScreeningWindowStartDate and ScreeningWindowEndDate

  • See: Star Early Literacy for future development example that shows multiple years.

Renaissance Field Information:

Name of screening window if test is within the
school’s set screening windows (blank if outside
of screening windows).
This will only be populated as long as the school
the assessment is linked to is tied to a screening
window on the site and the assessment taken falls
within that window.


  • Shown in upper right corner in many areas.


  • Shown in Admin Reports, Classroom and Student Views.

  • We default to the current school year.

    • Given there is data for multiple school years, we will list the school years in order of the most recent to the least recent in the drop down field.

Renaissance Field Information

Name of the school year in Renaissance.


  • Not part of the design

  • Important note: We are planning on requiring customers to enter the school year start date and the school year end date in a form when they first start using the product. So we intend to use those user-supplied dates as the “source of truth” for school year start date and school year end date (see ), not the information supplied by this Renaissance field.

  • This doesn’t show for the user but is used to identify the start of the school year: maybe a useful backup (in case we have trouble getting school year start date from the required form mentioned in the above bullet point) for calculations for Attendance, Incidents--perhaps connect to Powerschool section.

Renaissance Field Information

First day of the school year in Renaissance.


  • Not part of the design

  • Important note: We are planning on requiring customers to enter the school year start date and the school year end date in a form when they first start using the product. So we intend to use those user-supplied dates as the “source of truth” for school year start date and school year end date (see ), not the information supplied by this Renaissance field.

  • This doesn’t show for the user but is used to identify the end of the school year: maybe a useful backup (in case we have trouble getting school year end date from the required form mentioned in the above bullet point) for calculations for Attendance, Incidents--perhaps connect to Powerschool section.

Renaissance Field Information

Last day of the school year in Renaissance.


  • Suggest: Put field for student id and state id in the UI


  • This may / may not show for the user. We have a place for a student ID but it may be our ID for the student and not a State Id.

  • This is used to connect the student to the test they took.

Renaissance Field Information

Student’s state ID in Renaissance, blank if not



  • Student Names

  • Included in the student name in all areas of MTSS Dashboard.

Renaissance Field Information

Student’s first name in Renaissance.




  • See image above for StudentFirstName

  • Included in the student name

    • Given no student name is included, then this field is left blank and student’s middle name is not included.

    • Given the student’s middle name is included, then this field is included as part of the student’s name.

  • Student’s middle name in combination with grade/ classroom name could serve as a secondary reliability check for the data value.

Renaissance Field Information

Student’s middle name in Renaissance.


  • See image above for StudentFirstName

  • Included in the student name

Renaissance Field Information

Student’s last name in Renaissance.


  • Not part of the design

  • Used to make updates to data; please note manual OneRoster imports below.

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the district used to determine
inserts, updates, and deletes when importing data
from an external source. The mapping of sourced
ID to any specific field may vary by external
source and is only guaranteed for manual
OneRoster imports. CDI populates this field with a
fabricated composite key.


  • Not part of the design

  • If district provided it.

Renaissance Field Information

State ID for the district, blank if not provided by
the district.


  • Shown in the highest level for Admin Reports.

  • Need to make sure the naming conventions are the same as the data we get from the external data sources.

  • Contained in our structuring for District Name in the Admin Reports; map this to existing district name.

Renaissance Field Information

Name of the district in Renaissance.


  • Shown in admin reports as a list of schools within a district.

  • Used to name each of the school buildings within our lists of schools within a specific district; may map this to existing names of schools for the district.

Renaissance Field Information

Name of the school where the student tested.






Category Rating

  • Category names: At / Above, On Watch, Intervention, Urgent Intervention is listed under the Category Rating


  • Used to fill Category Rating column in Student View in Star Early Literacy, Star Reading and Star Math.


 Renaissance Field Information

Renaissance default benchmark categories; these
are standard across all Renaissance customers.
At/Above Benchmark: At/Above 40 PR

Field Description
On Watch: 25 – 39 PR
Intervention: 10 – 24 PR
Urgent Intervention: Below 10 PR

GroupOrClassName (We are having trouble finding a field that will match with the Classroom and ensuring that the students are in the proper classroom. GroupOrClassName is the closest we can get. We will most likely need to write something that combines multiple items to ensure that we can map effectively. )

  • Need to find the best field that most closely matches the classroom name.


  • This is a little better choice to identify the class/teacher where the student belongs. I am looking to map this to the classroom.

    • We have several other fields to choose from that name the teacher which may be better.

Renaissance Field Information

Name of the class or group where the student



  • Shows in design with the title of the seasons. Contained within each of the tabs for a cumulative view of all the seasons and in column headings.

  • Contained in all dashboards-Admin, Classroom, Student.


  • We combine the scores for Star Early Literacy and Star Reading to get one graph.

  • Not sure this is necessary for us.

Renaissance Field Information

CompletedDate converted to the time zone
configured for the site where the assessment was
taken. If there is a discrepancy between these two
values, CompletedDate (which is stored as UTC)
is considered authoritative.



  • Not in design

  • Not sure this is necessary for us.

Renaissance Field Information

Date the assessment was completed.
Date and time is reported as UTC (Coordinated
Universal Time); this is the time standard
commonly used across the world.


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for problem solving and keeping a running log.

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the course used to determine inserts, updates, and
deletes when importing data from an external source. The mapping
of sourced ID to any specific field may vary by external source and
is only guaranteed for manual OneRoster imports. CDI populates
this field with a fabricated composite key.


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for problem solving and keeping a running log.

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the class used to determine inserts, updates, and
deletes when importing data from an external source.
The mapping of sourced ID to any specific field may vary by
external source and is only guaranteed for manual OneRoster
imports. CDI populates this field with a fabricated composite key.


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for problem solving and keeping a running log.

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the teacher used to determine inserts, updates, and
deletes when importing data from an external source.
The mapping of sourced ID to any specific field may vary by
external source and is only guaranteed for manual OneRoster
imports. CDI populates this field with a human-readable ID.



  • Not in design but affects the Settings for Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math.

  • See Settings for ELA and Math.

  • Used to build automation for shutting down the tier customization setting screen once the first launch date has passed. For example, on 7/28/23 district file has a launchdate of 7/28/23, and then logic is built in to recognize the date and turn off the tier customization screen for that district. (date format is “9/19/2022 5:09:45 PM”)

Renaissance Field Information

Date the assessment was started.
Date and time is reported as UTC (Coordinated
Universal Time); this is the time standard
commonly used across the world.


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for data reliability and problem solving

Renaissance Field Information

ID for the student used to determine inserts,
updates, and deletes when importing data from an
external source. The mapping of sourced ID to
any specific field may vary by external source and
is only guaranteed for manual OneRoster imports.
CDI populates this field with a fabricated
composite key, except for users, where it is the
human-readable ID.
This is the “Unique ID” field shown in


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for data reliability and problem solving

Renaissance Field Information

Internal student ID. Specified by OneRoster and
intended to contain a human-readable ID. CDI
populates this with the human-readable ID for an


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for data reliability and problem solving

Renaissance Field Information

Specified by OneRoster and intended to contain
an optional, machine-readable ID. CDI populates

© 2023 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. | R63547.230421 2
Field Description
this with the human-readable ID for an object.
Customers that have imported or manually added
their roster information may not have this value


  • Not in design

  • Internal field for data reliability, match point and problem solving

Renaissance Field Information

Student’s email address in Renaissance.










  • Might impact design for filter selection and also Student View.



  • We will follow our own records by default and if no demographics is present in our own records, then we will put in what Renaissance has for demographic information.

  • Demographic Information: Need to decide what takes precedence. Renaissance has fields for student demographic information and so do we. Which information do we use for the drop downs filter selection and student profile information? If the demographic information doesn’t match, our users may see different demographic designations for the same student in different places in our platform or even just on MTSS Dashboard.


  • Not in design

  • Used for troubleshooting

Renaissance Field Information

Student is either currently Enrolled or Unenrolled.


  • Not in design

  • Used for data reliability and troubleshooting

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the district created by Renaissance
when the district is first created. Used internally to
link the district to other Renaissance systems.


  • Not in design

  • Used for data reliability and troubleshooting

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the district used to determine
inserts, updates, and deletes when importing data
from an external source. The mapping of sourced
ID to any specific field may vary by external
source and is only guaranteed for manual
OneRoster imports. CDI populates this field with a
fabricated composite key.


  • Not in design

  • Used for data reliability and troubleshooting

Renaissance Field Information

Internal ID for the school used to determine
inserts, updates, and deletes when importing data
from an external source. The mapping of sourced
ID to any specific field may vary by external
source and is only guaranteed for manual
OneRoster imports. CDI populates this field with a
fabricated composite key.



  • Not in design

  • Used for data reliability and troubleshooting-See also: CourseSourcedID and GroupOrClassName

Renaissance Field Information


ID of the course where the student tested.
Specified by OneRoster; CDI populates this with
the human-readable ID for an object.


Name of the course where the student tested.




  • Not in design

  • Used for data reliability and troubleshooting

Renaissance Field Information


Teacher’s email address in Renaissance.


Teacher’s first name where the student tested.


Teacher’s last name where the student tested.




  • Not in design but used to identify benchmark category cut scores.

  • Used for calculating the cut off for category ranges for Star Early Literacy and Star Math. See image: Settings

See also: RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName

Renaissance Field Information


Number of the benchmark level; the level with the
highest PR, will have the lowest number. For
example, At/Above Benchmark = 1 (uses highest
PR range), On Watch = 2, Intervention = 3, and
Urgent Intervention = 4 (uses lowest PR range).


The minimum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.


The maximum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.










  • Not in design (May become a custom request of districts in the near future)

  • Given a district has created their own benchmark criteria that is different from the default settings Renaissance has, then these fields are what is used to determine benchmarks. We need to think about this for future development and a district custom request.

Renaissance Field Information


he benchmark categories used are the
benchmarks defined at the district level in the
Renaissance program.
This score should be considered an individual
level score; the percentile rank for the student’s
assessment is used to determine the benchmark
range the student falls in at the time they took the


Indicates whether the level (and corresponding
assessment) is considered proficient.


Number of the benchmark level; the level with the
highest PR, will have the lowest number. For
example, At/Above Benchmark = 1 (uses highest

© 2023 Renaissance Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. | R63547.230421 15
Field Description
PR range), On Watch = 2, Intervention = 3, and
Urgent Intervention = 4 (uses lowest PR range).


The number of categories that exist, based on
what the district has set as their benchmark
levels. Renaissance allows the district to set this
using 2 to 5 categories. Each category name can
be edited.


The minimum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.


The maximum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.








  • Not in design (May become a custom request of a specialized school)

  • This is special case for a Non-traditional school such as English Language Learners or Special Education where the benchmark categories are adjusted.

Renaissance Field Information


The benchmark categories used are the
benchmarks defined at the school level in the
Renaissance program.
This score should be considered an individual
level score; the percentile rank for the student’s
assessment is used to determine the benchmark
range the student falls in at the time they took the


Indicates whether the level (and corresponding
assessment) is considered proficient.


Number of the benchmark level; the level with the
highest PR, will have the lowest number. For
example, At/Above Benchmark = 1 (uses highest
PR range), On Watch = 2, Intervention = 3, and
Urgent Intervention = 4 (uses lowest PR range).


The number of categories that exist, based on
what the district has set as their benchmark
levels. Renaissance allows the district to set this
using 2 to 5 categories. Each category name can
be edited.


The minimum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.


The maximum percentile rank for the benchmark
category level.