Integration Process | Renaissance

  1. After introduction call, Rethink Ed sends cross-match file, pipe delimited file instructions, and SFTP credentials:

    1. District IT point person cross-references several categories of information uploaded to the Rethink Ed Student Information System to resolve any discrepancies. The district point person will:

      1. Ensure all district grades match those in the Rethink Ed platform

      2. Ensure all district diagnoses match those in the Rethink Ed platform

      3. Ensure all district campuses match in Rethink Ed.

      4. Additional subaccounts will be added in Rethink Ed if necessary.

    2. Create a pipe-delimited file per instructions on previous call, and upload file to Rethink secure FTP server. This file should reflect the district’s most up-to-date roster.

  2. Clean Up - For districts with users already in Rethink:

    1. District: Ensure students currently entered in Rethink ED have a DOB, State Test Number (this is your unique student identifier in your SIS program), and legal name identical to your Student System. Rethink Ed will:

●     Ensure all active students currently on Rethink Ed have the correct unique state student ID set

●     Ensure all inactive students on the roster are marked inactive in Rethink

●     Account will be updated right before going live. Rethink will cross check before going live to ensure no students are missed.

  1. The Rethink Ed Development Team tests the integration to ensure it is fully operational. This can take 3-5 days. If the integration does not pass the quality assurance check, Rethink Ed will email instructions to the district point person to rectify any issues.  

  2. Coordinator will notify development that SIS can be turned on. Once the integration passes the quality assurance check, Coordinator will notify the district’s SIS content expert to schedule a nightly transfer of the pipe delimited file to Rethink Ed SFTP server.

This will be an automatic and ongoing transfer every 24 hours.

  1. Coordinator or the district point person/Rethink Ed PSD will draft an informative email to teachers and Rethink Ed administrators about the new integration.

●     The email for administrators will explain that there is a new process to add students' ELA and Math scores to the platform. Everyone with administrator privileges will be informed that should any issues arise, they must report them to the district’s point person who will then address them with Rethink Ed Coordinator. It will also be explained that students should not be added, archived or deleted by the administrators unless directed by the district point person or Rethink Ed Coordinator.