JRICH | Integration mapping

We need to create a new page for rostering, content, and MTSS integrations. That way we can map our rostering, content, and specific MTSS integrations to district and building accounts. We need to be able to assign a particular area like Behavior to Powerschool or Reading to Renaissance. We need to make sure to allow for multiple integrations per area: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=1532%3A27060&mode=design&t=f1q3ImpF9O4yei84-1

Rostering overview

User Story

As a Rethink employee setting up an Rostering integration, I want to be able to see the rostering integrations so that I can select the rostering integration that a district has.

User Story

  • The default will be no integration for new accounts

  • Districts with a legacy integration will show in new integration page

  • Users can click Edit and then the dropdown to see the selections.

  • The user can only select one Rostering integration

  • The user will need to select save for integration to save



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am setting up an integration for a new district, I will see the rostering integration default is no integration.

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am setting up an integration for a new district, I can click edit and the rostering dropdown to select a rostering integration.

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am setting up an integration for a new district, I can click save and the rostering integration selection will save.

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am viewing a legacy customer with an integration, I will see the current integration selected in the new UI in Jrich.

  • Given I am a district with a legacy integration, I will see the current integration is working like normal in my account.

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am viewing a legacy or new customer with an integration, I can make changes to the integration at any time.

Dropdown for Rostering

No integration



One Roster


Rostering Selection Details

User Story

As a Rethink employee setting up an Rostering integration, I want to be able to see the important fields for details for the rostering integrations so that I can add roster specific infomation or make changes to it.

User Story

  • Once Clever is selected, the user will see District Clever ID ( Distrcit Clever ID will continue to work the way that it currently does in Jrich. Just please add District to label be clear to user)

  • No additional fields are necessary when One Roster or Classlink are selected at this time.


  • Once SFTP (SIS) are selected, please add new fields url, login, password, Port, and file name. Please change name to SFTP (SIS) for accuracy purposes.

  • All fields are text boxes.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am setting up an integration for a new district, I will see the rostering integration default is no integration.

  • Given I am a Rethink Employee with access to Jrich and I am setting up an integration for a new district, I can click edit and the rostering dropdown to select a rostering integration.






User Story

As a Rethink employee setting up an Rostering integration, I want to be able to see the rostering integrations so that I can select the rostering integration that a district has.

User Story



Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I select a building from the district view, I will see a list of grades for the selected building


Dropdown for Rostering

No integration



