Program Tools Update | MTSS Interventions

We need to add a card with MTSS on it in Program tools so that users can easily find the MTSS tools or to leave the behavior card for MTSS Intervention accounts where ELA and Math is not selected in JRICH. We are selling a Behavior Suite which is MTSS-Interventions without ELA or Math selected. Behavior Support Legacy project will stay the same as it is currently.




User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product with all topics or ELA and/or Math selected, I want to see MTSS in Program Tools, so that I can easily find the MTSS tools to help support my students.


  • When the user navigates to Program tools, they will see MTSS and Training Center.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product all topics or ELA and/or Math selected with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will see MTSS in Program tools.

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-interventions all subjects or specific subjects with math or ELA checked and SEL-SEL or wellness, or life skills ot Behavior Support, I will see MTSS card in place of the Behavior card.


User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product with Specific topics excluding ELA and Math with permission to Manage Classroom, I want to see Behavior in Program Tools, so that I can easily find the Behavior tools to help support my students.


  • When the user navigates to Program tools, they will see Behavior and Training Center.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product Specific topics excluding ELA and Math with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will see Behavior in Program tools.

  • Given I am a user with Behavior Tracking-Behavior Support, I will continue to see Behavior and My Training and I will see the Behavior Tools that I have access to see.

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-interventions with specific subjects without math or ELA checked and SEL-SEL or wellness, or life skills to Behavior Support, I will see MTSS card called “Behavior” in place of the Behavior card and be taken to intervention plans, behavior tools, rewards, and reports that I have access to see.


User Story

  • As a user who has the Intervention product and I have selected MTSS or behavior, I want to see Intervention Plans, Behavior Tools, Rewards, and reports, in MTSS so that I can easily find the tools that I want to use in my classroom.


  • After clicking MTSS or behavior, the user will see Intervention Plans, Behavior Tools, Rewards, and Reports.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will see intervention plans, behavior tools, rewards, and reports selection cards when they click on MTSS or behavior.

  • Given I am a user with Behavior Tracking-Behavior Support, I will continue to see Behavior and My Training and I will NOT see Intervention Plans, Behavior tools, rewards, or reports cards and will continue to see Behavior Tracking, Behavior Plans, and Incidents.

  • Given I am a user with SEL-SEL, wellness, or Life skills and wellness, I will continue to see Behavior and My Training and I will NOT see Intervention Plans, Behavior tools, rewards, or reports cards and will continue to see Behavior Tracking, Behavior Plans, and Incidents.

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom and all intervention tracking areas are unchecked, the user will see NOT see intervention plans when they click on MTSS or behavior.

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom and all intervention tracking areas are unchecked, the user will see NOT see intervention plans when they click on MTSS or behavior.


Intervention Plans

User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product and I have clicked Intervention plans in MTSS or behavior, I want to see my classroom list of intervention plans, so that I can analyze which students still need an intervention plan.


  • After clicking intervention plans in MTSS or behavior, the user will be asked which classroom.


  • Once classroom is selected, they will see the intervention plans for their classroom.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a role 7 user with regions with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to identfiy the region before selected building and classroom and then they will see that classroom intervention plans.

  • Given I am a role 6 user with multiple buildings with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the building and classroom and then they will see that classroom intervention plans.

  • Given I am a role 5 or lower user with multiple classrooms with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom intervention plans.

  • Given I am a user with one classroom with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom intervention plans.


Behavior Tools

User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product and I have clicked Behavior Tools in MTSS or Behavior, I want to see the list of Behavior Tools, so that I can figure out which tools I would like to use with my students.


  • After clicking Behavior tools in MTSS or behavior, the user will see the Tier 1 behavior Tools


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will see behavior tools when they click on Behavior Tools.



User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product and I have clicked Rewards in MTSS or behavior, I want to see the Rewards for my classroom, so that I can make changes to the reward lists.


  • After clicking Rewards in MTSS or behavior, the user will be asked which classroom.

  • Once classroom is selected, they will see the Rewards for their classroom.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a role 7 user with regions with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to identfiy the region before selected building and classroom and then they will see that classroom rewards.

  • Given I am a role 6 user with multiple buildings with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the building and classroom and then they will see that classroom rewards.

  • Given I am a role 5 or lower user with multiple classrooms with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom rewards.

  • Given I am a user with one classroom with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom rewards.



User Story

  • As a user who has the MTSS Intervention product and I have clicked Reports in MTSS or behavior, I want to see the reports for my classroom, so that I can analyze how my students are doing in the classroom.


  • After clicking Reports in MTSS or behavior, the user will be asked which classroom.

  • Once classroom is selected, they will see the Rewards for their classroom.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a role 7 user with regions with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to identfiy the region before selected building and classroom and then they will see that classroom reports.

  • Given I am a role 6 user with multiple buildings with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the building and classroom and then they will see that classroom reports.

  • Given I am a role 5 or lower user with multiple classrooms with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom reports.

  • Given I am a user with one classroom with MTSS-Intervention Product with permission to Manage Classroom, the user will be asked to select the classroom and then they will see that classroom reports.