Data Express View Data Updates (Salesforce case 00205588)
We need to update the data express graphs for all data types to include an option to view the data by sessions and/or combine session data into days. This is from salesforce ticket 00205588
Default: Sessions Selected
User Story:
As a teacher or admin user I need to have options to view my data by sessions or days so that I can communicate the student’s progress in the terms best suited for achieving the goals / objectives.
Combine Same-Day Sessions: Default View
User sees default setting showing sessions on the graph.
User sees default view for chart below graph.
To view the value of the data point, user hovers over or clicks on a specific data point.
To remove hover, user clicks away or moves away from the data point.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors I will have all the same functionality for all data types (Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency & Duration) as is currently built.
In addition, users with this permission will see the Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle.
Graph: Default View
We will default to the Sessions view where the toggle is set off and sessions are shown.
Given there are multiple sessions on the same day, we will show the results of each session as a data point on the graph with the label indicating the session number for the day. (See image: Session Graph-look for date 4/5/22)
Given there is only one session for a specific day, then we will not include the session number in the x axis labels for the data point. (See image: Session Graph-look for 4/9/22)
Given the data collected for a specific session is Baseline data, then we will include Baseline as the label in the x axis. (See image: Sessions Graph-look for 4/1/22)
Given objectives have been selected, then we will show the objective number for each data point in the label on the x axis. (See image: Session Graph-Look for labels as: Obj 1, Obj 2 across multiple data points)
Given no objectives have been selected, then we will not include any objectives in x axis labels for the data points.
Graph Colors
We will use the same colors as what exists for Skills and apply them to behavior tracking for baseline (base) and objectives (obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5).
We will include the labels on the top of the graph and those labels remain sticky to the sections they represent.
Chart: Default View
This view and functionality does not change from what is currently built and remains the same regardless of selecting or not selecting the Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle.
We will show each session as a line in the chart where the toggle is set off as the default view.
Given there multiple sessions for a single day, then we will show a line for each with the most recent towards the top and the date will be the same.
Given there is only one session for a single day, then will show only one line with the date the data was recorded.
We will include the date and value of the data point inside the hover.
Clicking on or hovering over the data point reveals the hovers.
Clicking away from or moving away from the data point removes the hover.
Days Selected
User Story:
As a teacher or admin user I need to have options to view my data by sessions or days so that I can communicate the student’s progress in the terms best suited for achieving the goals / objectives.
Combine Same-Day Session: User selected
To combine multiple sessions on the same day(s) into one point of the graph for each day, user clicks on Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle.
User sees all sessions combined into one data point for each data entry point on the graph.
User sees view for chart below graph.
To view the value of the data point, user hovers over or clicks on a specific data point.
To remove hover, user clicks away or moves away from the data point.
Acceptance Criteria:
Graph: Combine Same-Day Session selected
Given user has clicked on the Combine Same-Day Sessions, we will combine multiple sessions that were recorded on the same day into one data point for that day. (See differences between images: Session Graph and Day Graph-Look for 4-10-22)
Given only a single session occurred on a day, then we will show the value for that collection in the graph.
Graph Colors
Follow same as above for colors and labels.
Given the user has conducted baseline, we will show the color and label for baseline.
Given baseline is combined with objective 1 on the same day, we will show the color for baseline for that days entry.
Given a single day contains multiple objectives, then we will show multiple labels at the top of the graph. (See image: Day graph-look for 5-14 where Object 3 and Objective 4 occurred)
Given a single day included multiple objectives, the color shown will be the final entry. (See image: Day graph-look for 5-14 where the final entry was for objective 4 and is the color for objective 4.
Chart: Combine Same-Day Sessions selected
This view and functionality does not change from what is currently built and remains the same regardless of selecting or not selecting the Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle.
We will show each session as a line in the chart where the toggle is set off as the default view.
Given there multiple sessions for a single day, then we will show a line for each with the most recent towards the top and the date will be the same.
Given there is only one session for a single day, then will show only one line with the date the data was recorded.
We will include the date and value of the data point inside the hover.
Given user has selected to Combine Same-Day Sessions, then the hover will show the sum of all the sessions recorded on that day. (See image: Hover)
Note: The combined same day value is different for different data types. Duration has the sum of all the data points collected in a day. Other data methods may have different rules. Follow the rules specific for the data type.
Given there is a single data point for the day, we will identify that single data point in the hover.
Example: Baseline, Obj 1, Obj 2, Obj 3, Obj 4, Obj 5
Given there are multiple data points for the same day and they have multiple identifications, then we will include them in the hover.
Example: Baseline, Obj 1. (See image: Hover)
Example: Obj 1, Obj 2
Clicking on or hovering over the data point reveals the hovers.
Clicking away from or moving away from the data point removes the hover.
Baseline and Objective 1 Occur on the same day
User Story
As a teacher or admin user who has entered baseline and also mastered objective 1 on the same day, I need to see both events shown on an icon in the graph so that I have a simple visual representation for the day’s data.
User sees the icon indicating that baseline was taken on the same day as objective 1 was mastered.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the baseline was taken on the same day that objective 1 was mastered, we will show the BM symbol in the graph for combining Same Day Sessions.