Student Alerts | Behavior Tracking | MTSS Suite

We need a way to quickly view current alerts and alert history for a specific student from the student dashboard.




Student Alerts

User Story

As a teacher user who reviews and updates alert information for each of my students, I need a way to quickly see all of the alerts a specific student received so that I can take the necessary actions to support the student.


  • The Student Alert screen will show the alerts for a specific student.

(Student Alerts)



  • The user will click the alert filters to select all alerts or a specific alert to view.

Intervention Plan Alerts

  • The user clicks update for the Intervention Plan on the Intervention Alert card.


  • The user is directed to the View/Edit Intervention Plan referenced in the alert when the user clicks update for the Intervention Plan on the Intervention Alert card.

Behavior Plan Alerts

  • The user clicks Update for a specific Behavior Plan on the Behavior Plan Alert card.

  • The user is directed to the View/Edit for the specific Behavior Plan referenced in the alert when the user clicks Update for the Behavior Plan on the Behavior Plan Alert card.


Behavior Tracking Alerts

  • The user clicks View Behavior Tracking for a specific Behavior Tracking on the Behavior Tracking Alert card.

  • The user is directed to the View/Edit Behavior Tracking Tool and the specific Behavior Tracking referenced in the alert.


Incident Alerts

  • The user clicks View Incident for a specific Incident on the Incident Alert card.

  • The user is directed to the View screen for the Incident Report in the Incident Report Tool.



Behavior Contract Alerts

  • The user clicks View Behavior Contract for a specific Behavior Contract on the Behavior Contract Alert card.

  • The user is directed to the View/Edit screen for the Behavior Contract in the Behavior Contract Tool.

Points/Behavior Alerts

  • The user clicks View Report for a specific Behavior on the Points/Behavior Alert card.

  • The user is directed to the Points screen for the specific student in the Student Behavior Dashboard.

Empty State

  • The user clicks the student name to enter the Student Alerts for the specific student and will see “No Priority Alerts” for Alerts that have not been triggered for the last 30 days.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Users with access to MTSS Interventions and permission to Behavior support → Receive Alerts will see alerts for the specific products they have purchased.

  • Classroom Dashboard > Behavior > Classroom Alerts > Student Alerts

  • The Default view is All Students, All Real Time Alerts.

  • If an alert occurred prior to 30 days, then it will not show on the current alerts list.

  • The number in the tab bar (All Alerts, Interventions, Behavior Plan, Behavior Tracking, Behavior Contacts, Incidents, Points System) will reflect the number of alerts total for the student in each section.


Status of Documents for each Alert type:

  • Given a document is in the following status, then we will use it to trigger the alert criteria:

    • Intervention plan-In Progress

    • Behavior tracking - Active

    • Point system based of recoded rewards points

    • Behavior Plan - Active

    • Behavior Contract - Active only

    • Incident - Approved

Intervention Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • If user selects Update link for Intervention plan alerts, they are taken to Create/Edit plan for that specific plan. (See image: Update Intervention Plan)

  • Given the user updates the review date for the Intervention plan, then that alert will be removed from the alert list.

    • Given the user has not updated the date for the Intervention Plan, then the alert will not be moved from the alert list view.

  • Given user has clicked on update and has made an update to the Intervention Plan (2 days prior or 2 days after alert criteria), then the alert will be removed from the "Last 30 days” view.

  • Given user viewed but did not make an update to the Intervention Plan, then the alert will not be removed.

  • Given the alert for 2 days before has expired, then it is replaced by the two days after alert if user has not made an update.

    • Example: Review date is Jan 8th, 2020. The 2 days prior alert will first appear on the Jan 6th, 2020. If the user does not update the plan from Jan 6th-Jan 9th, then the alert will remain. If on Jan 10th, a review has not been completed, then this alert is removed and replaced by the 2 days after alert.

    • Given the user has not updated from the 2 days past Update link, then the alert will remain until the user updates the plan.


Behavior Plan Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • If user selects Update link from the Behavior Plan alerts, they are taken to View/Edit plan for that specific Behavior Plan. (See image: Update Behavior Plan)

  • Given the user updates the review date for the Behavior plan, then that alert will be removed from the alert view.

    • Given the user has not updated the date for the Behavior Plan, then the alert will stay in the alert list view.

  • Given the alert for 2 days before has expired, then it is replaced by the two days after alert.

    • Example: Review date is Jan 8th, 2020. The 2 days prior alert will first appear on the Jan 6th, 2020. If the user does not update the plan from Jan 6th-Jan 9th, then the alert will remain. If on Jan 10th, a review has not been completed, then this alert is removed and replaced by the 2 days after alert.

    • Given the user has not updated from the 2 days past Update link, then the alert will remain until the user updates the plan.


Behavior Tracking Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • We will include the data type for Behavior Tracking Alerts. (See image: Behavior Tracking Alerts). Look at examples: Tantrum ( Duration) and Stay in Seat (Frequency).

  • We will include the data type for Behavior Tracking Alerts. (See image: Current Alerts. Look at examples: Tantrum ( Duration) and Stay in Seat (Frequency).

  • Given the user clicks View Behavior Tracking for the specific Behavior Tracking on the Behavior Tracking Alert card, then they will be brought to the that specific View/Edit screen for the Behavior Tracking in the Behavior Tracking tool. (See image: View Behavior Tracking)

  • The alert will remain in the alert list view.

  • The user will be able to view the Behavior Tracking for the Behavior Tracking Alerts by clicking on the blue View Behavior Tracking link in each of the filter date ranges that they select.

  • The alert setting criteria from account setting is listed next to the date and time the Behavior Tracking alert was triggered, “2 weeks of no progress.”

  • Only active behaviors trigger alerts.

    • If student has an inactive behavior, it will not trigger an alert.

    • If a mastered behavior in an inactive state has been unmastered and restored to an active state, it can trigger an alert. (See View/Edit Behavior Tracking)

    • If an archived behavior in an inactive state has ben unarchived and restored to an an active state, it can trigger an alert. (See View/Edit Behavior Tracking)




Incident Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • Given the user clicks View Incident for the specific Incident on the Incident Alert card, then they will be brought to the that specific View screen for the Incident Report in the Incident Report tool. (See Image: View Incident Report)

  • The alert will remain in the alert list view.

  • The user will be able to view the Incident Report for the Incident Alerts by clicking on the blue View Incident link in each of the date ranges that they select.

  • If there is an incident report with multiple incidents attached to the report, then the behaviors will be listed together. (See image: Student Alerts)

    • Example: Incident Alerts > Fighting, Destroyed Property

  • Given the incident alert: Alert Criteria: 5 incident(s) within one month has been triggered, we will list the behaviors that were included for that count in order of the most recent to the least recent.

  • Given the incident alert: Alert Criteria: 10 days in school suspension and 10 days out of school suspension has been triggered, we will list all behaviors that were included for that count, including the behaviors beyond 30 days included in the behavior count for the criteria, in order of the most recent to least recent. (See image: Student Alerts)

  • 10 days of in-school suspension or out of school suspension is counted within a school year (August -June).

    • The count for determining alert criteria does not carry over to a subsequent school year.

  • If user selects a behavior (10 in-school or 10 days out of school) from Incident Alerts, they are taken to view the student’s incident report. (See image: View Incident Report)

  • If user selects a behavior (5 incidents within one month) from Incident Alerts, they are taken to view the student’s incident report. (See image: View Incident Report)

  • If multiple behaviors types are included in the alert criteria, we will show the behavior types under the Behaviors Types heading.


Behavior Contract Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • Given the user clicks View Behavior Contract for the specific Behavior Contract on the Behavior Contract Alert card, then they will be brought to the View/Edit screen for that specific Behavior Contract in the Behavior Contract tool. (See Image: View Behavior Contract)

  • Given the user updates the review date for the Behavior Contract, then that alert will be removed from the alert view.

    • Given the user has not updated the date for the Behavior Contract, then the alert will stay in the alert list view.


Points/Behavior Alerts

  • Date of Alert sort has a default state of showing the most recent to the least recent alerts.

  • If user selects View Report from the Points Alert, they are taken to the student’s points report. (See Image: View Behavior Points)

  • Given multiple behaviors have triggered the alert, we will list them in alphabetical order with the date the behavior occurred.

    • Given the same behavior occurred multiple times, we will list the date of each occurrence chronologically.

  • The alert will remain in the alert list view.

  • The user will be able to click on View Report at any time during any time frame.


Empty State

  • Given the user is on the Student Alert screen for a specific student and the student does not have any alerts from the last 30 days, then the user will see the message “No Priority Alerts” for each alert type.