User Story/PBI Template

Required Fields:


Description of the specific feature needing to be updated. Description should also explain the benefit of the feature for the user.

Example: As a (user group), I want to (feature needed), so that (benefit to user).

As an Intervention Library Editor, I want to be able to attach multiple Focus Areas and Resources to an Intervention Strategy Card, so that students and teachers can easily access all information attached to the Strategy Card, and not just 1 single focus area and it’s resources.


Lists all acceptance criteria for this specific Feature being implemented. Can be written in multiple different ways but should be broken down into small requirements/test cases.

  • Examples:

    • Verify that…..

      • Verify that I am able to select multiple focus area in the focus area drop down

      • Verify that for each focus area selected, I am able to define the resources that need to be attached to each focus area.

    • Given, when, then….

      • Given I am creating a new strategy card, when I click the focus area drop down, then I should be able to select multiple focus areas to attach to this card.

      • Given I have selected 1 or multiple focus areas, when I am attaching the resources, then I should be able to specific which resources are associated with with focus area.

Related Work

Ensure that you are adding you User Story/PBI within the correct Feature or Epic. This will make tracking easier and will help organize our work

Optional Fields:

Links to Specs and Requirements

  • This should be filled out of the change being requested will need Figma designs/Mockups.

Stakeholder Value:

  • Not always needed. Should be a repeat of the ‘So That’ portion of the description but can be written in more length here.