View or Delete Saved Group | RethinkEd Mobile App


The user will be able to manage saved groups within the tracking section of the RethinkEd mobile app. The user can view the saved groups or delete the saved group.

User Story

As a user, I need a way to view or delete a saved group of students so that I can track students effectively. 



Dev Project 191427: Saved Groups

UI Description

  • Saved Groups List:

    • A list of created saved groups is present, with each group being selectable.

  • Saved Group Page:

    • Upon selection, a saved group opens on a new page with the group name displayed as the heading.

    • The interface includes a feature (checkmark/plus sign) for adding or removing students from the group.

    • A "Start (#)" button enables the initiation of tracking activities for the group.

    • A three-dot menu next to the heading opens a bottom drawer with additional options.

  • Bottom Drawer:

    • Contains "Delete Saved Group" and "Close" actions.

    • "Delete Saved Group" removes the group from the list and returns the user to the Saved Groups tab.

    • "Close" cancels any deletion action and returns the user to the saved group page.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Group Selection and Management:

    • Validate that selecting a group opens the correct group page with the proper heading.

    • Ensure that the checkmark/plus sign adds or removes students without removing them from the saved group permanently.

    • Check that the group composition changes are saved for future sessions.

  • Starting Tracking Activities:

    • Confirm that the "Start (#)" button begins tracking with the current group configuration.

  • Deleting a Saved Group:

    • Ensure that selecting "Delete Saved Group" prompts a confirmation dialogue before deletion.

    • Upon confirmation, the group should be deleted and no longer visible in the Saved Groups list.

  • Bottom Drawer Interaction:

    • Test the "Close" action to confirm it cancels the current action and retains the group's integrity.

Workflow Description

  1. Accessing the Saved Group:

    • The teacher clicks on a saved group from the list to view or edit its details.

  2. Editing Group Members:

    • On the saved group's page, the teacher can add or remove students from the tracking list using the checkmark/plus sign.

  3. Initiating Tracking:

    • The teacher clicks "Start (#)" to begin tracking for the selected students with the pre-configured programs.

  4. Managing the Group:

    • The teacher selects the three-dot menu to open the bottom drawer for additional options.

  5. Deleting or Keeping the Group:

    • Within the bottom drawer, the teacher can choose to delete the saved group entirely or close the drawer to return to the group page without making changes.