Focus Areas Table | Goals & Interventions


The Focus Area tab interface within the Goals & Interventions section of the RethinkEd Authoring Tool allows users to manage and organize Focus Area cards efficiently.




UI Description

  1. Tabbed Navigation:

    • A tabbed interface with options for Goals, Interventions, Focus Areas, Strategy Cards

    • The user selects Focus Areas tab upon entering the EDU Goals & Interventions section of the Authoring Tool.

  2. Search:

    • A search bar to allow users to type in descriptions, keywords, file names, or Focus Area titles, with autocomplete suggestions.

    • Search results are optimized to appear within 2 seconds under normal load conditions.

  3. Filters:

    • Multiple filters displayed in a specified order: Subject, Grade, Focus Area, Status

    • Subject (multi-select): ELA, Math, SEL, Behavior

    • Grade (multi-select): Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

    • Focus Area (single select): Titles of Created Focus Areas

      • Filter has a search bar on top of the dropdown menu for the user to refine the list results.

    • Status (single select): Active, Draft

  4. Focus Areas Table:

    • A table displaying lesson information with columns for Thumbnail, Focus Area Title, Short Description, Subject, Grade, Created By, Date Created, and Status.

    • Sorting functionality for each column where applicable, with numerical order for grades and alphabetical order for status.

  5. Add Focus Area Button:

    • A button labeled "Add Focus Area" to initiate the Focus Area Card creation process using the Focus Area Builder authoring tool.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Navigating Tabs:

    • Users can switch between Goals, Interventions, Focus Areas, Strategy Card tabs to view different content types.

  2. Using Search and Filters:

    • Users can refine the resources displayed by typing in the search bar or selecting options from dropdown filters.

    • The search function should validate input and return relevant results.

    • Filter selections must reflect accurately in the resources table.

  3. Interacting with Focus Areas Table:

    • Users can click on Focus Area entries to view details or perform actions like editing a focus area card

    • The ability to select multiple subjects and grades for filtering and sorting by status is supported.

    • A hover state will be present when the user hovers over a row in the table.

  4. Adding New Focus Area:

    • Clicking the "Add Focus Area" button opens the Focus Area Builder authoring tool where users can create new Focus Area card.

    • The system should validate that all required information is entered before a new focus area card can be saved.

Workflow Description

  1. Focus Area Management:

    • Users enter the Focus Areas tab to manage Goals & Interventions, accessing a comprehensive list of Focus Areas.

  2. Searching and Filtering:

    • To locate specific Focus Areas, users utilize the search functionality and apply filters based on Subject, Grade, and status.

  3. Adding Focus Area:

    • When adding a new focus area, the user clicks "Add Focus Area" to launch the Focus Area builder tool and input new focus area details.

  4. Saving and Organizing Focus Areas:

    • After creating a focus area, the user saves it, and it's automatically integrated into the Goals & Interventions with the designated status tag.