Add Data Tracking Modal


The Add Data Tracking Modal allows educators to attach data tracking (Strategy Card) to an Intervention Plan goal. The educator has options to select from existing data tracking, start new from suggested results or create a custom data tracking.





UI Description

  • Add Data Tracking Button:

    • Description: Button that opens the Add Data Tracking Modal

  • Add Data Tracking Modal:

    • The modal is triggered from the "Add Data Tracking" button found in the Strategy card box within the selected goal in the Intervention Plan

    • Displays the name of the strategy card on top with the default showing the “Something New” Tab selected and the “Existing Data for this Student” unselected.

    • Something New Tab

      • Contains a list of possible items to track that are connected to the goal and strategy selected in alphabetical order

      • Additional items on the tab:

        • Create Custom button

    • Existing Data for this Student Tab

      • Contains a list of items currently being tracked for this student for specified goal and strategy BUT are not attached to the intervention plan listed in alphabetical order

      • Additional items on the tab:

        • Details button

        • Add to Goal button


User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Modal Initiation:

    • User interaction begins when the Add Data Tracking button is clicked and the Add Data Tracking Modal appears on the screen.

  • Add Data Tracking Modal:

    • Users can click between tabs: Something New and Existing Data for this students. The tab is underlined and shown in blue when selected.

    • Something New Tab

      • Are there missing buttons here: Details? Add to Goal? Validation cues like color changes/checkmarks?

      • User clicks on an item from the list to add it to the goal?

      • User clicks on Create Custom (Lesson? Does this make sense?) to open Create custom screen for Data Settings, Mastery Criteria, Targets

    • Existing Data for this Student Tab

      • User clicks on Details button to open the Strategy Card? Where does the details button take us?

        • There is an Add to Plan button there--validation if selected? Apply to Intervention Plan?

      • User clicks on Add to Goal button to add the strategy to the Intervention Plan goal. Validation?

      • If there are no strategies existing for this student, then the Existing Data for this Student Tab will not show?


Workflow Description

  1. Add Data Tracking Button

    • The educator clicks on the "Add Data Tracking" button, prompting the add data tracking modal to open, and showing the Add Something New tab selected with pre-selected strategies connected to the goal showing.

  2. Add Data Tracking Modal

    • The educator has choices for attaching tracking. They can select items from the “Something New” tab or Create a Custom Strategy to track.

    • If there are existing strategies currently being tracked for the goal BUT those strategies are not attached to the intervention plan, then selecting the “Existing Data for this Student” tab will show those items in a list. If Add to Goal Button is selected for any item on the list, then that item becomes attached to the goal.

  3. Resume Here: Enter Text

    • Enter text



Enter text