Behaviors | Create Check-In, Check-Out | MTSS & Behavior


This is the creation process in setting up a Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) tool for a student, designed to monitor target behaviors. Users must define the behaviors for tracking, either from the behavior bank or by creating new behaviors. Additionally, the user can interact with action buttons to print data sheets, record or view data, and manage the status of the tool.



Project 223101: MTSS | Check In/Check Out

User Story

As a user, I need to create a Check-In/Check-Out tool for a student by selecting or entering target behaviors, so that I can effectively track and manage the student's progress on the defined behaviors.

UI Description

  1. Header:

    • Displays the heading: ‘Create Check-In, Check-Out Tool’

    • The first and last name of the student displays directly below the heading

  2. Step Indicator:

    • Current Step displays as dark grey in the indicator. The indicator displays the other step as light grey.

    • Behaviors pill container

    • Data Settings pill container

  3. Behaviors Screen:

    • Users must enter at least one target behavior and have the option to enter up to three.

    • Display dropdown menu input fields with labels

      • Target Behavior #1

        • Required Field

      • Target Behavior #2 (Optional)

        • Optional Field

      • Target Behavior #3 (Optional)

        • Optional Field

    • Dropdown menu input field values:

      • Search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to search for behaviors

      • For each target behavior, a dropdown allows the user to select from the existing behavior bank or choose "Other" to enter a new behavior.

        • Behaviors included in the Student Behavior Bank and Admin Settings Behavior Bank

        • Custom input field displays as text input field with ‘Other’ as placeholder text that the user types over.

    • Behavior descriptions are text fields where users can describe the behavior being tracked.

      • Display to the right of each ‘Target Behavior’ dropdown menu selection

      • Labels for text area fields: ‘Behavior Description’

      • Support multiple lines of text.

  4. Data Settings: Collection Settings Screen:

  5. Data Settings: Goal Mastery Screen:

  6. Data Settings: Done Screen:

  7. Action Buttons:

  8. Discussion Panel:


User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Behavior Setup:

    • The user must define at least one behavior for the CICO tool to progress. If less than one target behavior and behavior description is set, the 'Continue button is inactive and an error message prompts the user to enter at least one behavior.

    • Selecting ‘Other’ in the Target Behavior dropdown menu allows the user to enter a new behavior. This new behavior is automatically added to the student’s behavior bank once the form is submitted.

  2. Data Entry Validation:

    • All required fields must be completed for the user to proceed.

    • If the user attempts to continue without completing the required fields, validation error messages will prompt the completion of the missing fields.

  3. Action Buttons:

    • Print Data Sheets: The modal will ask for the number of copies.

      • A blank template data sheet will print for an incomplete CICO tool.

      • A completed CICO tool data sheet will generate a data sheet with the details input by the user: Target Behaviors, Time Period Labels, Number Range

    • Record Data and View Data: These buttons are inactive until the tool is successfully completed and Active. When inactive, hovering will display a tooltip indicating the requirement to complete tool creation first.

    • Change Status: The button is initially labeled "Delete" during tool creation. After creation and the CICO tool is Active, the button becomes "Change Status," and provides the option to Archive or Delete the tool.

      • Archive: Archive will archive the tool. The user has the option to make it active again in the Student Dashboard > Behavior Support > Check-In, Check-Out screen.

      • Delete: Delete will display a warning validation message to the user.

        • Heading: Warning

        • Text Description: Are you sure you want to delete this Check-In, Check-Out tool? This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to delete?

        • Cancel button: Cancels the action and returns user to the create screen they were viewing.

        • Delete: Confirms the Delete action. The tool is deleted and the user navigates to the Student Dashboard > Behavior Support > Check-In, Check-Out screen.

Workflow Description

  1. The user navigates to the "Create Check-In/Check-Out Tool" screen, sees the student’s name, and starts entering behaviors.

  2. The user must define at least one target behavior and its description. If the user selects "Other," they can input a new behavior, which gets added to the student’s behavior bank.

  3. Once behaviors are entered, the user can proceed by clicking the "Continue" button.

  4. If any required fields are missing, the user is alerted and prompted to complete them before continuing.