Print Incident Report

We need to allow users to print the incident report (both individual student and classroom report).

Student Report


  • We need to add a print button.


  • When the user clicks the print button, a PDF will open so the user can print. It will look like this:


Business Rules

  • We will print for the date range shown

  • We will print the current tab. Meaning, if we are on the Incidents tab, this is the view we will print. If we are on the actions tab, this is the view we will print.

  • We will show a heading of Incident Report for INSERT STUDENT FIRST & LAST NAME

  • We will show a sub-heading of the date range for the report

  • We will print the information in expanded form that appears starting with the incidents and actions tab.

  • We will not print the delete button or the details column

Classroom Report


  • We need to add a print button and update the export button


  • When a user clicks print, a PDF will open for the user to print. The report will look like this:


Business Rules

  • We will print for the date range shown

  • We will print the current tab. Meaning, if we are on the Incidents tab, this is the view we will print. If we are on the actions tab, this is the view we will print.

  • We will show a heading of Incident Report for INSERT CLASSROOM NAME

  • We will show a sub-heading of the date range for the report

  • We will print the information in expanded form that appears starting with the incidents and actions tab.

  • We will not print the details column