Left Side Panel (Current Tab) | Student Goals & Analytics Page


The Left Side Panel on the Current Tab of the Student Goals & Analytics provides a visual reference (blue highlight) for the goal being viewed. There is filtering for Goal Categories, a list of Current Goals, an Add Goal link and Containers to house information about each current goal. Each goal container includes:

  • the goal library from which the goal came

  • the name of the goal

  • date last recorded

User Story

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to see a complete list of current goals and have the ability to filter by the Goal Categories so that I can easily manage my student’s current goals in one place.

Figma: Left Side Panel

Project: 205670

UI Description:


Title: Goals and Analytics

Current / Inactive Toggle

  • denotes a separation of goals into Current or Inactive

Goal Category: heading for dropdown contents including:

  • Skills (Special Education)


Goal List: heading for list of Goal items

Goal item(s): Container for each goal which includes:

  • Goal Type

  • Goal text

  • Date last recorded



+ Add Goal:

  • Blue text labeled: + Add Goal

User Interactions and Validation Notes

Current / Inactive Toggle

  • Current is shown to the User upon entry

  • Current tab houses all Current Goals from all Goal Creation areas:

    • Skills (Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics)

Goal Category

  • Skills (Special Education)

    • includes all goals from the Skills library: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, Foundational Academics


Goal List

Goal Items

Each goal item within the Goal list contains a Goal Type that identifies the library from which it came. Clicking on a container for a specific goal turns it blue indicating selection and shows the User the goal information (Goals and Objectives and Data Collection Panels) for the selected goal.

Goal Types

  • Skills (Special Education) goal types (list come from Lesson Type dropdown in Skills)

    • Abilities

    • Inclusion

    • Transition

    • Foundational Academics

      • within skills, it is currently called ‘Academics’.


Goal Text

  • Shows the goal selected

Date Last Recorded

  • Shows the date data was last recorded for the goal as: MM/DD/YYYY

  • If no data has been recorded, then N/A is shown.


Workflow Description

  • User clicks Goal Category drop down to filter the list of goals for a selected category

  • User clicks on a goal container to view the specific goal

  • User clicks on +Add Goal to view the Goal library options and add a new goal for the student.