Print Data Sheets | Data Tracking | MTSS Suite

We need a way for Users to Print Data Sheets for Behavior tracking that include each of the data collection types: Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale, and Frequency/Duration combined.

User Stories:

  • I am a teacher who needs to record my student’s Behavior Tracking on a paper recording tool so that I will have the information I collect handy for when I get access to the computer later in the day.

  • I am a teacher who needs to include all of the objectives and intensity levels in paper form so that our paraprofessional can track the behavior of our student with more precision during small group instruction time.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > Add/Edit Behaviors will see print data sheets button.

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior Support OR MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Tracking enabled) and permission to Behavior Support, > View Behaviors

  • Given I am a user who has completed the creation of behavior tracking for a student and behavior(s), the Print Data sheets button will be active.

  • Given I am a user who has used Interval as a data collection method, the number of instances I select will be the number of pages included for behavior tracking.


Section 1: Access to Print Data Sheets


  • Users clicks on Print Data Sheets Button to Create and Print Data Sheets for Data Collection and ABC log.



(Example page from Create)


Create Data Sheets Pop-up appears.

  • To select Data collection sheet(s) and/or ABC log(s), user clicks on box next to their selection

  • To select the number of of pages, user clicks on drop arrow inside field and selects a number or custom enters a number.

  • To create data sheets, User clicks on Create button.

  • To cancel data sheets, User clicks on Cancel button.



User story: As a teacher who has checked boxes for data collection and ABC logs and selected 1(one) from the drop down for my Increase Frequency without intensity or objectives data tracking, I will get the following papers from my printer.



Business Rules:


  • Given I am a user with access to either Behavior Tracking or MTSS Interventions (all tools or Behavior tracking/Plans enabled) and permission to Data Tracking > Record Behaviors, I will see the print data sheets button.

  • Print Data Sheets button is in several locations including Data Express, Create and Edit Behaviors to Track (Behavior Tracking).

    • Print Data Sheets button becomes active if at least one of the following are true:

      • the User has completed all steps in Behavior Tracking for at least one of the data collection methods (Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency/Duration (combined).

      • the user has included at least the name of the behavior, the data type and a goal.

      • the behavior tracking is active, archived, mastered.

    • Given the user did not include objectives, then we will not show the objectives on the printed data sheet.

  • Create Data Sheets pop-up appears if the User selects Print data sheets from any of the locations and the User has created behavior tracking for the individual student.

Create Data Sheet Pop up

  • If user clicks inside the checkbox next to both or either item, then we will print those sheets.

    • Selecting data collection sheets results in us printing the sheet that matches their data collection type, goals and/or objectives.

    • Selecting ABC log results in printing the ABC log.

  • Given the user has selected to print both data collection sheets and ABC logs, then the number they select from the How many pages do you need? field results in the number of each item printed. (Example: I select 2 (two) from the drop down, then I will have 2 data collection sheets and 2 ABC logs.

Data Collection Sheets

  • We will fill the data collection sheets with the user’s selection of Behavior, Data Type, Goal, Objectives (if selected), Number of Intensity Levels (if selected).

    • If user has customized the goal, they we will print their customized goal on the data sheet.


  • The ABC Log is the same for all scenarios if selected by the user.







Section 2: Data collection types


  • User selects Frequency as Data collection method and selects Print Data sheets button.

  • If User selects Increase Frequency without Intensity and Objectives, their data sheet shows as follows:


  • If User selects Increase Frequency with Intensity and Objectives, their data sheet shows as follows:



Business Rules:

  • Data sheets contain specific collection information that depends on the User’s selection of data collection method (Frequency, Duration, Interval, Checklist, Rating Scale, Frequency/Duration), selection of increase or decrease behavior, inclusion or non-inclusion of intensity and inclusion or non-inclusion of objectives.

  • School logo can be uploaded in settings to replace Logo placeholder.

  • If the User selects Frequency as their data collection method, the possibilities include:

    • Increase Frequency without Intensity and Objectives (example a)

    • Increase Frequency without Intensity but have Objectives

    • Increase Frequency with Intensity and Objectives (example b)

    • Increase Frequency with Intensity but not have Objectives

    • Decrease Frequency without Intensity and Objectives

    • Decrease Frequency without Intensity but have Objectives

    • Decrease Frequency with Intensity and Objectives

    • Decrease Frequency with Intensity but not have Objectives.

  • The Goal shown on the Data sheet is from the Goal set by the User in creation of Behavior Tracking and indicates if Decrease or Increase behavior was selected.

  • If the User has included Objectives for Behavior tracking, Objectives appear in the right hand side of the sheet.

  • If the User has included Intensity for Behavior tracking, the number of intensity levels appear in the right hand side of the sheet and the Intensity levels are listed below.

  • If the User has not included Objectives for Behavior tracking but has included Intensity Levels, then Objectives will not appear in the right hand side but the number of Intensity Levels will show along with the Intensity levels listed below.

  • Other Data collection methods that work the same as Frequency include: Duration, Interval and Frequency/Duration.

  • If the User selects Rating Scale or Checklist, the data sheets will not contain Intensity or Decrease (shown in goal).