Alerts | Incident Reports | Behavior Suite

We need to alert team members when students have reached or surpassed the behavior settings.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to be alerted if students are involved in an inordinate amount of incidents so that I can meet with the student and make a plan to improve the behavior.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings and I am an admin, I will see a Alerts added to the menu

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see an alert bell in the header with the number of unread alerts

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings, I will see a red dot next to Alerts in the menu if I have unread alerts

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings and an admin, I will see the students who have triggered the incident alert based on the filter settings.

  • Given I am a user with access to MTSS Interventions and I have permission to edit Behavior Settings and the teacher of the students involved, I will see the students who have triggered the incident alert based on the filter settings.

  • Given I am a user without access to MTSS interventions with incidents selected, I will not see the alerts bell or alerts report.




Admin Alerts


  • On the main dashboard, we will add Alerts to the menu for admin

  • Admin with permission will see the number of unread alerts in the header alert bell

  • Admin without MTSS with incidents selected will not see the alerts bell or Alerts report.

  • Admin users with unread alerts will have a red dot notification next to the Alert menu


  • Once admin click on Alerts in the menu or the bell in the header they will see the student’s alert page.


  • Once the user clicks on the Alerts section or clicked on the alert bell, the red dot will disappear and the number in the bell will start from zero

  • If the user clicks on the bell or on alerts in menu but there are no alerts, they will see the empty state


Business Rules

  • This menu option will only show if the user has permission to Receive Alerts (under Behavior Support) AND if there is an active alert in the read or unread messages

  • We will show the newest unread alerts at the top of the list

  • An alert will be triggered based on the alert settings.

  • Once the user clicks Alerts, the alert red dot will disappear and the alert bell in the top header will start again from zero

  • Once the user clicks on the alert bell in top header, it will start again from zero and the red dot will disappear from the menu

  • The newest alerts will be shown at the top of the queue

  • We will show the students who have triggered the incident alert based on the filter settings.

  • District

    • we will list all students who triggered the alert within the date range in all child accounts the user has access to

  • Region

    • We will show a tab for each selected region

    • we will list all students who triggered the alert within the date range in all of the selected region’s child accounts the user has access to

  • Building

    • We will show a tab for each selected building

    • we will list all students who triggered the alert within the date range in the selected building

  • Role

    • We will show a tab for each selected role

    • we will list all students assigned to team members with the selected role who triggered the alert within the date range in all of the buildings the user has access to.

  • Team Member

    • We will show a tab for each selected team member

    • we will list all students assigned to the selected team member who triggered the alert within the date range in all of the buildings the user has access to.

  • Student

    • We will show all selected students on one screen

    • we will list all selected students who triggered the alert within the date range.

Classroom Alerts


  • Non admin with permission will see the number of unread alerts in the header alert bell

  • If the user has multiple classrooms with alerts, they will see the classroom selection popup

  • Only classrooms with alerts will show in the dropdown

  • Once they select the classroom, they will see the alert report for the selected classroom


  • On the classroom dashboard, we will add Alerts for non-admin with permission

  • Non-admin with permission will see the number of unread alerts next to the alert bell

  • Once non-admin with permission will click on Alerts bell or text to see the student’s alert page.


  • Once the user clicks on the Alerts bell or text, the bell will disappear and leaving behind the no alerts text

  • If the user clicks on the bell or text but there are no alerts, they will see the empty state


Business Rules

  • This bell and text will only show if the user has permission to Receive Alerts (under Behavior Support) AND if there is an active alert in the read or unread messages

  • We will show the newest unread alerts at the top of the list

  • An alert will be triggered based on the alert settings.

  • Once the user clicks Alerts, the alert red dot will disappear and the alert bell in the top header will start again from zero

  • Once the user clicks on the alert bell in top header, it will start again from zero and the red dot will disappear from the menu

  • The newest alerts will be shown at the top of the queue