Permission Settings (Student Center Phase 2)

We need to make changes to permission settings for assigning and managing assignments.

User Story

  • As an admin, I want to control which user types have access to create and manage assignments, so that I can ensure assignments are managed appropriately.

  • As an admin, I want it to be incredibly clear which user roles have permission to create and manage assignments, so that I do not get confused or frustrated.

T-Shirt Size Reference: 

  • Small – <1 Sprint (2 Weeks)

  • Medium – 2 Sprints (4 weeks)

  • Large – 3-4 Sprints (1 Planning Increment, 8 weeks)

  • X-Large – >1 Planning Increment (>4 sprints)


  • We will combine permissions for Goal Library and View Content to one section called Lesson Library

  • The permission settings for Lesson Library will include

    • View Lessons

    • Manage Assignments

    • Add/Delete Custom Goal to my library

    • Add/Delete Custom Goal to library for all users


Business Rules

  • View Lessons

    • This setting allows users to view both the general lesson library (view content) and the student-specific lesson library. It also allows the user to view the lesson videos, materials, prep page, and lesson plan, and add lessons my playlist.

    • This setting will be applied to any role that previously had View enabled under either Goal Library or View Content.

  • Manage Assignments

    • This setting allows users to assign lessons to a student’s learning plan or assign the quiz, video, or activities to the student center. It also allows users to view & edit the Manage Assignments area.

    • This setting will be applied to the following default roles:

      • Role 7

      • Role 6

      • Role 5

      • Lead Teacher

      • Multi-Account Lead Teacher

      • Role 4 Teacher

      • Multi-Account Teacher

      • Role 3 (Related Service Provider)

      • Case Manager/Lead Teacher

    • This setting will also be applied to any custom roles marked is admin role

  • Add/Delete Custom Goal to my library

    • This setting allows users to add or delete custom lessons in their view of the lesson library only. Any lessons added will only be added to the library for that user. Any lessons deleted will only be deleted from the custom library for that user.

    • This setting will be applied to any role that has permission to Add Custom Goal or Delete Custom Goal (it is basically a combination of these 2 permission settings)

  • Add/Delete Custom Goal to library for all users

    • This setting allows users to add or delete custom lessons in the lesson library for all users in all buildings the user has access to. Any lessons added will be added to the library for all other users. Any lessons deleted will only be deleted from the custom library for all users.

    • This setting will be applied to any role that has permission to Add Custom Goal to all user libraries or Delete Custom Goal to all user libraries (it is basically a combination of these 2 permission settings)


  • Dev: What does Add Content and Delete Member Data under View Content currently control?