Lesson Library (Student Center Phase 2)

We need to create an easier way for educators to assign a variety of content to students. Feedback from large districts is that the list of students is too long to sort through. For Abilities activities, users search for an activity for a particular student. For SEL content, users typically want to assign the same content to a group of students. For example, a user may wish to assign a video to all 3rd grade students or all students in a particular class.

User Stories

As a GenEd Teacher, I want to assign SEL content to my classes, so I can assess their understanding of the topic we just covered in class and provide students with feedback. I will typically assign to a whole class and will want to view completed assignments for my whole class in one place.

As a SpEd Teacher, I want to assign individualized activities (SEL and Abilities) to my students, so I can promote generalization and support parents working with their child at home. I may want to assign certain items to my entire class or to individual students based on their needs. It would be great to view the completed assignments for all of my students in one place, but students will likely be working on different items at different times.

As a legacy user SpEd Teacher, I want to assign individualized activities to my students, so I can view additional data on their progress and provide them with an in-class activity. I will only focus on Abilities activities. I will mainly assign in to individual students. There may a benefit in viewing results for all of my students in one place, but it is unlikely my students will be working on the same tasks.

As a mid-level admin, I want to assign grade-level SEL content to all of the students in all classrooms, so I can be in control of the curriculum and implementation. I am currently frustrated with the UI because I do not know which students are in a particular grade when I assign content. For example, I want to assign a particular video to all 3rd grade students in the district. I also want to assign individualized Abilities activities to at-risk students, so I can help students improve their skills and increase independence. My challenge may be that I do not know all of the teachers, classrooms, or students on an individual basis (apart from the high-needs students).

As a school psychologist, I want to make suggestions to the team about which assignments to target, so I can share my expertise and guide the process. It would be cool if I could add content to the playlist for the district, but that may be a conversation for another time.

As a high-level administrator, I want to view reports, so I can ensure our district is implementing the initiative and we are seeing student growth and ROI. It is not very likely I will ever assign items to students, but I should have the option to do so.

As a paraprofessional, I do no need to create or manage assignments but I do want to know what my students are working o, so I can help them access the program and complete their work.

Areas impacted

Abilities Library
SEL Library