Create new assignment | Manage Assignments | Create Assignment Enhancements
We need to allow users to create a new assignment from the Manage Assignments area.
User story:
As a teacher, I want to create a new assignment from the Manage Assignments area, so I do not need to navigate back to the library each time I wish to assign something new.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I have access to SEL Lessons, I will see (and can search for) SEL Lessons
Given I have access to Mental Health Lessons, I will see (and can search for) Mental Health Lessons
Given I have typed in a keyword, I will see a list of lessons that match that keyword based on lesson name, domain name, and area name
Create New Assignment Button
When the user is on the Manage Assignments screen, they may click on the Create new button
Business Rules
Any user with permission to Manage Assignments will see this button
Search Assignments Modal
Once the user has clicked the create new button, they will see the search assignments modal
On this screen, we will show the name of any lesson that has at least 1 assignable item, the lesson domain & area to which it belongs, the grade & tier of the lesson, and the number of assignable items related to the lesson
The user may browse this list or perform a search
The user may type in a keyword to search for a lesson by name, domain, or area
They may also filter by grade, tier, domain, and area
When the user clicks the Next button, they will be taken to the assign modal
Business Rules
Any user with access to SEL Lessons will see (and can search for) SEL Lessons
Any user with access to Mental Health Lessons will see (and can search for) Mental Health Lessons
For Mental Health Lessons, we will show NA for Lesson Area
Users may search by lesson, domain, or area name