Student Center | Create Assignment Enhancements

We need to accommodate start and due dates in the Student Center

User Story:

  • As a student, I do not want to see an assignment under Due Today before the start date

  • As a student, I want to see when my assignments are due

Acceptance Criteria:


Start Date


  • No new UI elements needed

Business Rules

  • Assignments will not show under Due Today on any date before the start date

Due Date


  • We need to show the due date for any item with a due date

  • This should show under Due Today, Activities, and Videos tabs

  • We will rename Due Today To be completed


Business Rules

  • We do not need to show the due date for assignments already completed

  • Items under To be completed should be listed in the order they are due. If no due date exists, we will use the assignment date (assumption it is due now)