Update to SEL Overview list
We need to add a field for the total of students who have completed the SEL Self-assessment to the Overview List in Admin accounts.
User Stories:
As an admin, I want to be able to see at a glance the total number of students who have completed the SEL Self-Assessment so that I can keep track and reach 100% of students who have taken the test.
Acceptance Criteria
As an admin, I will see the new field Completed Self-Assessments in the Student Center row of the Overview List
As an admin, I will see that the total of students who have completed self-assessments matches the number that have actually taken the self-assessments
As an admin I can view the report by district and drill down to the buildings.
As an admin I can view the report by building and see the data for the selected buildings
As an admin I can run a role report and see the data that applies to the given role
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=13673%3A141774
We are adding a new field to the Student Center row of the Overview list called Completed Self-Assessments
The total number of students who have taken the Self-Assessment will show in the space provided
Please adjust the placement of the MH activities and MH videos so that the new field can be next to the other SEL categories
Business Rules
The total number of the students who have completed the self-assessments will show below the Completed Self-Assessments field
Once the student submits the Self-assessment, they will automatically be added to the total of Completed Self-Assessments
If a student has not submitted the Self-Assessment, they will not be added to the total of Completed Self-Assessments
The user can view the report by district and has the option to drill down into the buildings.
The user can view the report by building and see the selected buildings.
The user can run a role report with just students assigned to users with the selected roles. The team members should be just those assigned to the selected team members.