Update to SEL Overview list

We need to add a field for the total of students who have completed the SEL Self-assessment to the Overview List in Admin accounts.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to be able to see at a glance the total number of students who have completed the SEL Self-Assessment so that I can keep track and reach 100% of students who have taken the test.


Acceptance Criteria

  • As an admin, I will see the new field Completed Self-Assessments in the Student Center row of the Overview List

  • As an admin, I will see that the total of students who have completed self-assessments matches the number that have actually taken the self-assessments

  • As an admin I can view the report by district and drill down to the buildings.

  • As an admin I can view the report by building and see the data for the selected buildings

  • As an admin I can run a role report and see the data that applies to the given role

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=13673%3A141774



  • We are adding a new field to the Student Center row of the Overview list called Completed Self-Assessments

  • The total number of students who have taken the Self-Assessment will show in the space provided

  • Please adjust the placement of the MH activities and MH videos so that the new field can be next to the other SEL categories




Business Rules

  • The total number of the students who have completed the self-assessments will show below the Completed Self-Assessments field

  • Once the student submits the Self-assessment, they will automatically be added to the total of Completed Self-Assessments

  • If a student has not submitted the Self-Assessment, they will not be added to the total of Completed Self-Assessments

  • The user can view the report by district and has the option to drill down into the buildings.

  • The user can view the report by building and see the selected buildings.

  • The user can run a role report with just students assigned to users with the selected roles. The team members should be just those assigned to the selected team members.