SEL Assessment Reports: Printing Feature

When viewing SEL Assessments report, there is no option to print. Depending on the selections made by users, a PDF report should generate. Users can print from here.


Print button should show in upper right corner.

  • Print button should show on each report tab (Group Score Report, Group Item Analysis Report, Group Roster Report)

Print View Formatting:

For all 3 reports, The PDFs should generate without the “How to use these reports” blurb. See below:

For Group Score Report, we need design for the graph bars that will be sustainable for long term assessment taking.


For Group Item Analysis Report, The PDFs should:

1. generate without the “How to use these reports blurb”

2. should only include the name of the assessment which the score is being viewed for.

For example, if a user selects Group Item Analysis Report and SEL Fall 2019 Assessment, only this information should show (appropriately formatted in the PDF) See below:


For the Group Roster Report, the PDFs should should:

  1. generate without the “How to use these reports blurb”,

  2. only include the name of the assessment which the score is being viewed for,

  3. Should show the corresponding Rethink domains.

For example:

Should print like this:


Business Rules:


-The report will print as shown on the main part of the screen.

-We will not print any filters or site navigation.

-The PDFs should be designed to show relevant information per design specs

-The title of the PDF should include the report title and Classroom name (is this possible)