Automate SEL Assessment Changes

We need to implement a feature that will automatically update the SEL assessment each spring/fall.

User Story:

  • As a Rethink Developer, I want to automate the SEL Assessment version changes, so I do not have to work on this twice a year

  • As a user, I want the assessment to reliably update every January and July, so I do not have to guess when the change will occur

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given that I am a student who was assigned the Fall 2020 Assessment but did not complete it, and it is now January 1, 2021, I will no longer see the Fall 2020 Assessment under Due Today or Activities tabs

  • Given that I am a student who was assigned the Spring 2021 Assessment and it is now January 1st, I will see the Spring 2021 Assessment under Due Today and Activities tabs

  • Given I am a user assigning the assessment, I will only be able to assign the current version

  • Given I am a user viewing the SEL Assessment reports, I will see the previous versions of the assessment if at least 1 student has completed it

General Concept


  • The current SEL Assessment will be the only one available for assignment and completion in the student center

  • The previously completed versions of the SEL assessment will remain visible in the reports

Business Rules

  • The Fall Assessment will be available from July 1st - December 31st each year. It will be named like SEL Fall INSERT YEAR Student Self-Assessment

  • The Spring Assessment will be available from January 1st - June 30th each year. It will be named like SEL Spring INSERT YEAR Student Self-Assessment

Student Center


  • We will only show the current version of the assessment in the student center under Due Today And Activities

  • We will continue to show a completed previous version of the assessment under completed this month (if applicable)

Business Rules

  • If the student was assigned an assessment that has expired (i.e. assigned Fall 2020 assessment and it is now January 1st) and has not yet completed it, this assessment will no longer show under Activities or Due Today

  • If the student was assigned an assessment that has expired and has recently completed the assessment, this assessment will continue to show under completed this month (until the next month)

Assign/Unassign Assessment


  • We will only show the current version of the assessment as available to Assign or Unassign

  • Individual Student Assessment Screen

  • Classroom Assessment Screen

  • When viewing a classroom report, we should show a status of completed if ALL students in that class/grade have completed the assessment. If NO students in that class/grade have completed the assessment, we should show a status of Not Assigned. If some but not all students in that class/grade have completed the assessment, we should show a status of Assigned

Business Rules

  • Users may only assign/unassign the CURRENT version of the assessment

Classroom Reports


  • Previously completed versions of the assessment will continue to show in the filter for the reports

Business Rules

  • In the drop-down, we will list any assessment in which at least 1 student in that classroom in the selected grade completed the SEL assessment

  • We should account for the grade to which the student belonged at the time the assessment was completed. Meaning, if a student was in Grade 3 in Spring 2020 and is in Grade 4 in Spring 2021, they should show under the grade 3 report for Spring 2020 and Grade 4 for Spring 2021.

Student Reports


  • Any previously completed assessment will show at the top with a button to view responses

  • Any previously completed assessment will also show in the menu

Business Rules

  • We will only show the assessments the student completed