Interventions | Intervention Plans | Admin Reports | MTSS Tracking

We need to create a report that shows admins all of the interventions being used and how successful each intervention is. Users will want to filter this information by demogrpahics.

User Stories:

  • As an admin, I want to see the # of students at each tier for each subject area, so I can see how well our students are doing

  • As an admin, I want to see a list of interventions for Tiers 2 and 3, so I can determine which interventions are working and which are not

  • As an admin, I wan to view this report by demographic information, so I can identify trends and ensure our district is equitable

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the user is entering this page, the default filter settings will show: All Grades, All Genders, All Races, General Ed & Special Ed

  • Given Grade Filter drop down is selected, the options for selection include: All Grades, Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, and N/A

  • Given a specific grade is selected from the Grade filter, the display shows the number of students in that specific grade.

  • Given the Gender filter is selected, the drop down options will include: All Genders, Male, Female, Non-Binary, None Selected

  • Given the Race filter is selected, the drop down options will include: the same as the race/ethnicity options for students. Also option for All Races

  • Given the Education filter is selected, the drop down options will include: General Ed & Special Ed, General Education, and Special Education

  • Given Print is selected, the title reads: Intervention Plans for [District Name , Region Name, Building Name, Role Name, Team Member Name, Student Name]

  • Given an intervention plan is marked as In Progress with a tier level and at least one intervention selected, then it will show on this list based on the filter selection.

  • Given a filter selection was made on the Totals page, then the selections will carry over to this tab.

  • Given there are multiple regions, then each region will show on it’s own tab.

  • Given there are multiple buildings, then each building will show on it’s own tab.

  • Given an intervention is selected, a model detailing a student list for that specific intervention will show for students assigned to the selected building.



General Concept


  • The user will see a table of all Tier 2 and 3 interventions, detailing the number of plans currently in place, number of students currently on this intervention, percent of students on track, and overall success rate of the intervention

  • They may filter by subject area, grade level, gender, race, and education classification

  • At a high level, the user will see this information collapsed by Tier level

  • They may click the arrow to expand a tier to view a list of each intervention

  • The user may click on an intervention name to see the modal (see next section)

  • The user may export this table to excel or csv

  • The printed version will take this format


Business Rules

  • Plans will display the number of plans currently marked as In Progress associated with the tier level and intervention, based on filter selections

  • Students will display the number of unique students with a plan currently marked as In Progress at that tier level or intervention, based on filer selections

  • On Track will display the percent of students on track (plan currently In Progress and Progress Status is Partial Progress, Progress, or Substantial Progress) at that tier or intervention

    • Calculated as # of unique students with in progress plan and progress status of Partial Progress, Adequate Progress, or Substantial Progress OUT OF # of unique students with an in progress plan, based on filter selections

  • Success rate will calculate the % of students who are on track or have mastered a plan at this tier level or intervention

    • Calculated as # of unique students who mastered their plan or have an in progress plan and progress status of Partial Progress, Adequate Progress, or Substantial Progress OUT OF # of unique students with a plan mastered or in progress within the date range, based on filter selections

  • Subject Filter

    • Options are All Subjects, ELA, Math, Behavior, and Social Emotional

    • Default is All Subjects unless navigating here from totals report

    • Single select

    • This filters the report to only show plan information related to the selected subject

  • Grade Filter

    • This will display grades as All Grades, Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, and N/A

    • Default is All Grades

    • Single select

    • This filters the report based on the grade of the students

  • Gender Filter

    • Options are All Genders, Male, Female, Non-Binary, None Selected

    • Default is All Genders

    • Single select

    • This filters he report based on the gender of the students

  • Race Filter

    • Options are the same as the race/ethnicity options for students. Also option for All Races

    • Default is All Races

    • Single select

    • This filters the report based on the race/ethnicity of the student

  • Education Classification Filter

    • Options are General Ed & Special Ed, General Education, and Special Education

    • Default is General Ed & Special Ed

    • Single select

    • This filters the report based on the education classification of the students

  • If filter selections were made on the Totals page, we should apply those same filters here

  • District

    • We will display information based on all students in the district

    • Print

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF DISTRICT

  • Region

    • We will display information based on all students in the selected region

    • Each region will have it’s own tab/report

    • Students will count under all regions they belonged to within the date range

    • Print

      • Will print for currently selected region

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF REGION

  • Building

    • We will display information based on all students in the selected building

    • Each building will have it’s own tab/report

    • Students will count under all buildings they belonged to within the date range

    • Print

      • Will print for currently selected building

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF BUILDING

  • Role

    • We will display information based on all students assigned to team members of the selected role

    • Each role will have it’s own tab/report

    • Students will count under all roles for which they were assigned to a team member of that role within the date range

    • Print

      • Will print for currently selected role

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF ROLE

  • Team Member

    • We will display information based on all students assigned to the selected team member

    • Each team member will have it’s own tab/report

    • Students will count under all team members they were assigned to within the date range

    • Print

      • Will print for currently selected team member

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT NAME OF TEAM MEMBER

  • Students

    • We will display information based on the students selected

    • All students will show on one report - no separate tabs

    • Print

      • Title will show as Intervention Plans for INSERT LIST OF STUDENT NAMES



  • When the user clicks on an intervention, they will see a modal detailing the student names who currently have a plan in progress with that intervention and each student’s current progress status

  • The user may print this report as shown or export to excel or csv

Business Rules

  • Not available at the district or region level