Multi-Area Hover and Icon Information | MTSS Dashboard

This is a development requested page.

We need to show hover information for graphs that repeat in multiple areas.

We need to show Tier buttons that appear in multiple pages.

We need to show approaching and at risk icons that appear in multiple pages.


User Story:

As an education professional I need to see the hover information for each of the graphs so that I can fully understand the the criteria that determines the Tier.



Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a district/building level admin and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I have hovered over a tier 2 or 3, I will see the Tier description and number of students with or without a plan for Tier 2 or Tier 3. (Should we include Tier 1 now that it will describe the criteria for Tier 1? Students could also be a Tier 1 but have an intervention plan-user choice and the difference between what we suggest and what user chooses to do.)

  • Given I am a district/building level admin or a non-admin with permission to View reports and I have the MTSS Intervention component and I am viewing the classroom report, I will see the total number of student who have measured at the Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 level based on the cut score settings on the graph for this given area for the selected time frame