Add SEL Assignment | SEL MTSS Plan


The SEL MTSS Plan allows a user to add SEL assignments to the Intervention Plan to track. The modals that display when the user selects ‘Add Assignment’ button on an In-Progress SEL MTSS Plan need to be updated to reflect the new SEL lessons and activity and the new assign modal.

User Story

As a RethinkEd user, I need a way to add an SEL assignment to an SEL MTSS Plan, so that I can track student progress.

UI Description

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Lesson Library and Assign Modals: Display Lesson Library in a modal that fits the view port of the screen. The user can scroll within the modal to view more information details, but the modal height should not expand more than the view port of the screen. The Assign modal will display over the Lesson Library modal upon the user selecting one or more lessons/activities to ‘Assign’.

  • Confirmation Message: Confirmation message will display to the user after successfully assigning

  • Added Assignment: Verify that the assigned assignment displays in the SEL Assignments section with the correct details: Lesson title, Type, Completed Status, Action. This is all existing functionality that will not be changed at this time.

Workflow Description

  1. The user navigates to MTSS Intervention Plans, selects a student, and selects SEL as the subject of the MTSS Plan.

  2. The SEL MTSS Plan is in ‘In-Progress’ status and the ‘Add Assignment’ button displays and is active.

  3. The user selects ‘Add Assignment’ button and views a modified version of the SEL Lesson Library to select one or more SEL lessons or activities.

  4. The user selects the lessons/activities and selects ‘Assign’.

  5. The ‘Assign’ modal displays with the selected lessons or activities and the specific student pre-selected.

  6. The user selects ‘Assign’ which displays a confirmation modal and adds the assignment to the SEL MTSS Plan in the Assignments section.