Customize Goal | Academic Goals


The Pop-up gives the User the option to customize the goal text and also to include Objectives.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need the flexibility to decide if/when editing a goal or including objectives is appropriate so that the goal(s) I create match the needs of the student.


Project: 205670


UI Description:

Customize Goals Pop-Up includes:

Goal Text Box

  • text entry box where selected goal is shown

Check Box: Include Objectives (unselected)

  • unselected check box with accompanying text: Objectives

  • default shown upon entry

Check Box: Include Objectives (selected)

  • blue box with white check

  • accompanied by three text boxes labeled: Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3



X (Close Pop-up)

  • UI to close the Customize Goal Pop-up

Close Button

  • White button with blue outline and blue text that reads: Close

Next Button

  • Blue button with white text that reads: Next


User Interactions and Validation Notes:

 Goal Text Box

  • Shows the selected goal in it’s unedited state as the default

  • Clicking inside the text box and typing replaces the default (unedited) goal

    • No limit to number of characters but truncate if necessary.

Check Box: Include Objectives (unselected)

  • Check box unchecked as the default

  • Clicking inside the check box changes it state to selected

Check Box: Include Objectives (selected)

  • Clicking inside Check Box shows three text box labeled : Objectives 1, Objective 2, Objective 3

  • To add objective, User clicks inside the Objective text box(es) and begins to type

  • Add/Remove Objectives?



X (Close Pop-up)

  • Clicking X closes the Customize Goal Pop-up advances User to Intervention Screen page with the most recent updates to the goal intact.

Close Button

  • Clicking Close button closes the Customize Goal Pop-up and advances User to the Intervention Screen page with the most recent updates to the goal intact. (Same function as X for Close Pop-up).

Next Button

  • Clicking next advances User to the Intervention Screen page with the most recent updates to the goal intact.

Workflow Description

Path: Student Goals and Analytics Page > Button (Add Goal) > Select Goal Library Pop-up (Academic Goals) > Select Tab (ELA/Math/SEL) > Search or Select Goal > Custom Goal Pop Up

User has options:

  1. To edit goal, user clicks within Goal Text Box and types

  2. To add objectives, User clicks within Checkbox

  3. To edit objectives, User clicks within Objective 1, Objective 2, and/or Objective 3 and types

  4. To complete Customize Goal page, User clicks on Next

  5. User lands on add Intervention Strategy pop-up.