Browse Academic Goals | ELA/Math/SEL Goal-Intervention Bank


Create a page for the Academics Goals Library with a tab selection revealing the ELA, Math, and SEL goals for the existing Goal-Intervention Bank contents. The same functionality for selecting tabs, searching for goals within a tab, sorting for grades and categories, selecting/canceling goals, creating a custom goal, page selection all remains for ELA/Math/ SEL within the Academics Goals Library.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need to select an Academic Goal or create a custom academic goal for my student(s) so that I can establish the goal(s) that will be tracked to help my student attain academic success.


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New


Browse Academic Goals Pop-Up

  • Tab selection holds the ELA/Math/SEL goal lists for the Goal-Intervention Bank.

Back Arrow

  • Navigation to previous screen

X (Close Pop-up)

  • UI to close the Academic Goals Library Pop-up

Cancel Button

  • White button with blue outline and blue text that reads: Cancel

Next Button

  • Blue button with white text that reads: Next


User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New


Browse Academic Goals Pop-Up

  • Library contains only ELA/Math/SEL goal banks.

  • Clicking on a Tab reveals the goals for that specific tab

Back Arrow

  • Clicking on the back arrow returns User to Select Goal Library screen

X (Close Pop-up)

  • Clicking X closes the Academic Goals Library Pop-up and returns User to Select Goal Library screen

Cancel Button

  • Clicking Cancel button closes the Academic Goals Library Pop-up and returns User to Select Goal Library screen(Same function as X for Close Pop-up).

Next Button

  • Clicking next advances User to the Intervention Screen page

    • At least one goal must be selected to make the next button active.

    • If User selects Next without selecting at least one goal, then an error message reads: Please select a goal.

Workflow Description

  • From the Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add Goal blue button (temporary path) > Select Goal Library (Select Academic Goals) > Browse Academic Goals

  • From the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add goal link (replacement path after initial goal has been created and the initial tracking data entered) > Select Goal Library (Select Academic Goals) > Browse Academic Goals

  • User clicks on the desired Goal Tab (ELA/Math/SEL)

  • User clicks on the desired Goal within the selected tab

  • Add Intervention Pop-up is shown to User.