Intervention Strategy | ELA/Math/SEL Goal-Intervention Bank


Create a Pop-up that houses the Intervention Strategies for a selected goal from the ELA/Math/SEL Goal-Intervention Bank. The same functionality that is currently in production for searching / selecting an Intervention Strategy or Strategies is applied here with the exception of a required strategy selection. The Student’s Goals and Analytics page does not require a strategy selection so long as the goal is not attached to an Intervention Plan. This is the last step in selecting a goal.

User Story:

As an Admin or Teacher, I need the flexibility to decide if/when including an Intervention Strategy is appropriate outside of an Intervention Plan so that I can accurately document how supports were provided during the goal escalation process.


Project: 205670

UI Description: What’s New


Add Intervention Strategy Pop-Up

  • Container to hold all Intervention Strategy options for a selected ELA/Math/SEL goal.


Back Arrow

  • Left-facing arrow for navigation


  • reads: Add Intervention Strategy

Descriptive Text

  • reads: This is optional for now, but required if you escalate this goal to an Intervention Plan.

Goal Text box

  • heading name for a text box entry containing the selected goal as the default.


  • X (Close Pop-Up)

  • Skip for Now

    • text only

  • Finish

    • Blue button with white text that reads: Finish

User Interactions and Validation Notes: What’s New

Back Arrow

  • Clicking the back arrow returns the User to the Customize Goal screen

Goal Text box

  • Clicking inside the Goal Text box and typing replaces the default goal or any edits to the goal that happened previously.


Workflow Description

  • From the Empty State for the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add Goal blue button (temporary path) > Select Goal Library (Select Academic Goals) > Browse Academic Goals

  • From the Student’s Goals and Analytics page, select +Add goal link (replacement path after initial goal has been created and the initial tracking data entered) > Select Goal Library (Select Academic Goals) > Browse Academic Goals

  • User clicks on the desired Goal Tab (ELA/Math/SEL) from Browse Academic Goals Pop-Up

  • User clicks on the desired Goal within the selected tab from Brows Academic Goals Pop-Up

  • User has options to:

    • Search for Intervention Strategies

    • Select from Recommended Strategies

    • Skip the step of including Intervention Strategies

  • Click Finish Button to end goal selection with or without including Intervention Strategies and advance to the Student’s Goals and Analytics Landing page.