Writing Custom Programs in the Program Library.

Writing Custom Programs in the Program Library.

If you do not find a program with a lesson plan that adequately addresses a skill you are hoping to teach, you may want to create a Custom Program. Custom Programs can be created and found within the Program Library. Similar to the Rethink programs provided within the Program Library, Custom Programs should be generic in nature to allow for all staff with access to the Program Library to add the custom program and individualize it for a given client. 

1) Go to your Clients Page and select any Client to access the Program Library:

2) Select Create a Custom Program:

3) Complete the fields of the Custom Program as appropriate.

NOTE: This program is being written for any staff with access to the program library, it should NOT have client specific details

  • Select the Library and Domain from the drop down bars, and name your Custom Program. This identifies what it will be titled and where it will be housed within the Program Library


Add in the:

  • Program Goal

  • Program Objectives (optional)

    • NOTE: When writing a custom program, you are limited to 3 Objectives. Once you add this program to the your individual client’s Client Program tab, you can edit it further which may include adding more objectives.

  • Written details regarding things such as: Exercise (How the program is conducted), Generalization notes, Error Correction, etc. (KEEP IT GENERIC - All fields are OPTIONAL and can be edited at the client program level)

  • Targets to your Program

  • You can also upload documents pertaining to your Program Plan and Materials



4) Once you have entered your Program information, please read and agree to the Legal Disclaimer provided:

5) Save your Custom Program. This program will now be within your Program Library and can be assigned to any client of your choice:

6)You can search Custom Programs by all programs or by author.


7) If you wish to add the Custom Program you just wrote to your client, click on the ADD TO STUDENT(S) tab and choose to add the program to the CURRENT PLAN or FUTURE PLAN.


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