Client Profile Set Up.

Client Profile Set Up.

Understanding the Set Up Components for a Client Profile

Certain features of a client profile will impact your ability to schedule in Rethink. The process below outlines the required steps to complete a client profile in preparation for scheduling.

To see detailed information about the Demographics tab of the Client Profile, see the following resource:

Client Demographics Explained.



Helpful Knowledge



Helpful Knowledge

Adding Funder(s)

From Clients, select your client of choice, and Click on Funders. Click Add Funder or View if already added:

Client Funder.jpg

After clicking Add Funder, Select the Funder from the drop down and edit the Funder Information. Select the appropriate Service Line(s) and complete all required fields ( * ):

  • Select if you have a signature on file for the release of information from the family, the date around that it was obtained, and if you have a signature on file to bill that insurance

    • These three fields are required and are often over looked. If not filled out, can impact scheduling

  • The Relationship to the Insured will be Self (The Client) or Child (If it is the parent’s), then proceed to fill out the required subscriber information (Name, Address, Sex, Insured ID number)

    • If “Self” is selected, the information will auto populate from the client’s demographics section

Adding funder to client.PNG

Optional: add in client benefit information

Click Add when completed

  • Leaving required fields incomplete will show as 'missing billing information' and may impact scheduling of the client, depending on your funder set up. 

    • You will see a yellow dot next to your client’s name within your Client List Page if they have missing billing information on their profile

  • Clients can have multiple funders and each funder can be marked as 'primary', 'secondary', or 'tertiary'.  

  • Clients must have a funder in order to use Funder Reports, enter Authorizations, and schedule appointments.

Adding Diagnoses

Click on Diagnosis and “Add Diagnosis”.

In the Diagnosis pop up, you can search by description, diagnosis code, or enter a custom code.

Once you have entered a diagnosis name/code and selected at least one Service Line, Click submit to save the diagnosis to the client.

  • A funder and service line must first be assigned to the client before adding the diagnosis

  • For more information on client diagnoses refer to How to Add Client Diagnosis.

Adding Authorizations

Click on Authorizations and Add New Authorization for the correct Funder and Service Line.

Indicate whether an authorization has been received and then enter the authorization details, and click Save.


  • If a funder does not require an authorization, you can mark the auth as not needed and fill out the auth based on scheduling goals 

  • If a referring provider is required for claim submission refer to the step “Optional: Referring Providers”

  • Best practice is to distribute units by service. If chosen to distribute by auth, Rethink cannot prevent you from exceeding authorized hours

  • For more detailed information on authorizations, refer to Entering Authorizations.

Optional: Referring Providers

Click on Referring Providers. Click Add New to select a referring provider from the Settings list, search by NPI number, or add in manually.

Click Add, fill out any applicable information in the Info and Address boxes, and click Save.

If multiple referring providers are added, edit which one is default.

Inactivate Referring Providers in Client Profile by hovering over the active status to reveal options to edit or delete the referring provider. Under the edit field you will have the option to inactivate by selecting the check box at the top of the screen.

  • When adding a referring provider in manually, the provider’s first and last name are required to enter. It is optional, but recommended, to complete the address detail fields, facility name, and taxonomy code

  • If a referring provider is made inactive in Settings but assigned to a client, the referring provider will be inactivated in the client chart

  • Editing any information for referring providers under Settings will update the provider information under the client profile

  • If you have funders that require the referring provider to be listed on claims, you can attach them through the client authorization field

  • You are unable to delete a referring provider once it is attached to an authorization

  • You can change the referring provider on existing authorizations. When saving, your changes will update both new and existing appointments

  • Inactivating a referring provider will not impact existing authorizations. However, in the Billing Export report there will be a validation “Inactive Referring Provider” that will display on appointments that were connected to authorizations with the applicable referring provider that was made inactive

  • For more information on how to build and edit a master Referring Provider list, please view Managing Referring Providers.

Optional: Availability

Click on Availability and then click on Edit to set up the times that the client is available as well as enter in optional Staff Member Preferences to have on file. Click Save.

Days should be checked to indicate availability and Start/End times should be entered. 

The times that are set as UNAVAILABLE will appear grey on the calendar and you will get a warning if an appointment is being booked during this time but you will still be allowed to schedule.

  • Multiple time spans in a day can be added by clicking the plus sign to add a line to any day.  This would allow for split availability within any given day.  For example, a client that is available from 8am to 11am and then 4pm to 6pm

Optional: Staff Assignments

Click on Staff Assignments and Assign to add staff members to a client.


  • If staff permissions for Client Access are “Clients assigned to user”, please note the only way for a staff to open a client’s appointment to complete a session note and verify is for the staff to be assigned to that client

  • For details, refer to Assigning Staff and Clients.

Optional: Client Notes

Click on Notes. Click Add New Notes to create a new Client Note.

Complete the following Required fields:

  • Note Type

  • Title

  • Notes

THEN Click Save

  • Client Note Types are created under Settings → Client Settings → Note Types to categorize the type of notes users will be able to choose from in the Client Profile

  • Client Notes is NOT referring to an area where session notes are left

  • Client Notes area is referring to written textual notes that can be left for a multitude of different reasons. (an example might include logging parent communication)

  • If you do not see the Notes section, then you have not been given permissions to access this area. Please discuss with account administrator for access.

    • Permissions can be granted to: View, Add, Edit, or Delete Notes

  • Notes marked “private” will only be viewable by the user who created the note and users with the title of system admin

  • Notes page can be sorted by clicking on any column header

  • Notes can be filtered by Note Type, Created by, Created On, Last Updated by, and Last Updated On

Optional: Contacts

To add in Contact information such as a Parent or Guardians, select Contacts from the menu. Then click Add New Contact.

Enter information in the required fields. For the purpose of Creating a Parent Log in, entering the contact’s email is necessary. Once you enter the contact’s email, the check box to “Create System Login for Contact” will appear. Check off that box if desired and click Add.

  • If the option for a parent account has been selected, the contact will receive an email with a web link to register. The link will expire after 48 hours in which case reselecting the option will send a new link

  • If the option for a parent account has been selected, you will see the registration status on the Client Contact Page

    • The status “Contact registration sent on mm/dd/yy” will appear to record the date that the registration was sent out to the client contacts email

    • The status “Contact Verification code expired” will appear after 48 hours has passed and the verification code is still not verified through the client contacts email address.

    • The status “Registered Contact” will appear when the client contact email has successfully been registered using the correct verification code

Optional: File Cabinet

Click on Client Name>Click File Cabinet from the menu at the top

Add new client folder.PNG


  • Access to the Client Filing Cabinet is set up under Roles/Permissions

  • Add New Folders and Upload Files

  • The “Session Notes” folder will auto populate when the client’s first session note is saved

    • All session notes will autosave into the client’s file cabinet

  • For details, refer to Overview of the Client File Cabinet.