Managing Referring Providers.

Managing Referring Providers.

Learn how to manage Referring Providers within the Settings area of your Rethink account and on the Client Profile level.

Managing Referring Providers within the Settings Area of your Rethink Account

Managing Referring Providers within the Settings Area of your Rethink Account



Good to Know

Click Settings>Click Referring Providers








Click Add New + to enter Referring Providers

Option 1: Referring providers can be added by selecting the NPI Number option

  • Enter the NPI number and our system will run a query lookup in the NPI registry data base to confirm the NPI is a valid number




Option 2:

Select the “Add Manually” option


Then add the provider’s first and last name (Required)

It is optional, but recommended, to complete the NPI number, address detail fields, facility name, and taxonomy code


  • The same referring provider with same NPI # and same Taxonomy code cannot be duplicated

  • Referring providers with the same first and last name with a different Taxonomy code can be added

  • The lookup registry is an aid to help populate the referring provider full data but if it is not used, you can manually enter the data and save a new referring provider

    • NPI registry database: NPPES NPI Registry

    • If the search result in the NPI registry matches more than one record, a pop-up screen will show matching records for you to select from

Editing Referring Providers

From the Referring Provider list, hover over the Active status for the provider of your choosing to reveal the Edit field (The pencil icon)


Once selected, edit any applicable fields and select save



Locate Inactive Referring Providers

Selecting “Show Inactive” from the main provider list. This pulls a list of all inactive providers



How to Inactivate a Referring Provider

Hover over the active status to reveal options to edit the referring provider


Under the edit field you will have the option to inactivate a referring provider in Settings


  • If assigned to a client, the system will automatically inactivate the Referring Provider at the client level

  • Inactivating a referring provider will not impact the data in the existing authorizations

  • In the Billing Export report there will be a validation “Inactive Referring Provider” that will display on appointments that were connected to authorizations with the applicable referring provider that was made inactive


  • If a referring provider is inactive it will not be an option to select at the client authorization level

How to Delete a Referring Provider

Hover over the active status to reveal options to delete the referring provider by clicking the trash can icon


OR select the check box to highlight the provider and the trashcan option to delete


  • You can only delete a referring provider if the provider has not been connected to a client authorization

  • We recommend inactivating data when possible since you can always reactivate

Managing Referring Providers within Client Profiles

Managing Referring Providers within Client Profiles



Good to Know

Locate Client Referring Provider Section

Select Clients> Locate Client of Choice> Select Referring Providers




Click Add New + to add a Referring Provider to Client Profile

Option 1: Select a Referring Provider from the master list created within the Settings area of your Rethink account



Option 2: If the Referring Provider is not added to your Company Settings, the Referring providers can be added by selecting the NPI Number option

  • Enter the NPI number and our system will run a query lookup in the NPI registry data base to confirm the NPI is a valid number

  • If the provider already exsists in the system, refer back to the Referring Provider List option to add provider



Option 3: Select the “Add Manually” option

  • Then add the provider’s first and last name (Required)

    • It is optional, but recommended, to complete the NPI number, address detail fields, facility name, and taxonomy code



  • The NPI number must be a valid number

  • If a provider is added manually or by the NPI lookup, it will automatically be added to the Settings area>Referring Provider List

  • The first Referring Provider added in the client profile is the provider that will be marked as default

    • Only one Referring Provider can be marked as default

    • If multiple Referring Providers are added, you can edit which one is defaulted



Edit Referring Providers

To edit a Referring Provider, navigate to the Referring Provider List within the Settings area within your Rethink Account and hover over the Active status for the provider of your choosing to reveal the Edit field (The pencil icon)

Once selected, edit any applicable fields and select save. Once saved, this information will then update the provider information under your client profile


Inactivate a Referring Provider

Hover over the active status to reveal options to edit or delete the Referring Provider. Under the edit field, you will have the option to inactivate by selecting the check box at the top of the screen




  • If a Referring Provider was made inactive on the Settings Level of your Rethink account but assigned to a client, the Referring Provider will be inactivated in the Client profile

    • If the Referring Provider was marked as default, the client will no longer have a defaulted Referring Provider assigned

  • Inactivating a referring provider will not impact existing authorizations. However, in the Billing Export report there will be a validation “Inactive Referring Provider” that will display on appointments that were connected to authorizations with the applicable referring provider that was made inactive

Add Referring Provider to a Client Authorization

If you have a funder that requires the Referring Provider to be listed on claims, then it is recommeneded to attach them through the client authorization field

You must first add a Referring Provider to the clients profile, and then when adding a Referring Provider to a client authorization, you can select the Referring Provider from the drop-down menu.



  • You are unable to delete a referring provider once it is attached to an authorization

  • To update a Referring Provider in a client authorization, select Edit on the desired authorization to make changes. From here, select the appropriate Referring Provider from the drop-down menu. Once saved, your changes will update both new and existing appointments.
