View Plan in Behavior Support for Supervisors
View Details of Behavior Programs
To view Behavior Programs and information written within those programs, select VIEW PLAN.
SELECT the plan you’d like to view from the options to the left
The details of the plan selected will display in the center of the page
These same details are viewable on the Mobile-App
Details will include (but not limited to):
Plan Name
Behavior definition
Behavior Justification
Behavior Severity/Intensity
How data is being collected
When the plan began
Behavior function(s)
Baseline data
Antecedent (including proactive strategies and replacement skills)
Consequence Strategies (How staff should respond following the behavior)
Goal of behavior plan (with potential benchmark objectives)
NOTE: The information provided in this plan depends on what was inputted. You may see more or less information than the options above.
(The plan below is an example)
If a program has multiple plans listed, select the plan with the most up-to-date information to view. This means changes were made to the plan when it was evaluated.
Plan Up for Review
Plans that have flags next to their title, mean the plan is up for review. The steps to review a plan, can be found here: Reviewing a Behavior Support Plan