Duplicating a Skill or Behavior Goal:

Duplicating a Skill or Behavior Goal:

♦Examples of why you may want to duplicate a program (Skills or Behavior):

  • Parent Training Goals (i.e., Parents collect data in the duplicated parent goal and staff collect data in the original goal)

  • Setting up multiple data collection types for a skills & behaviors (i.e., collect frequency and duration for Tantrum behaviors)

  • Changing data collection types (i.e., began collecting data one way and now want to change)

  • IOA data (i.e., Supervisors collect data in the duplicated version while direct staff collect data in the first program)

For Skills:

When you have added a program to the client program area, you will now have the option to copy the program to another client or duplicate to the same client.

When duplicating a program, all content of the lesson plan are copied but then all areas able to be edited and customized as a new skill goal.

  • Goals/Objectives

  • Targets/ Steps

  • Mastery criteria

  • Prompt levels

  • Data collection types and settings

  • Exercise

  • Generalization

  • Error correction

  • Supplies

  • Teaching strategies

  • Trouble shooting

  • Helpful hints

  • Updates 

*Data will NOT be copied from the original skill program.

  1. To duplicate a program in the same client profile, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Client Program

  • Click on a skill goal you need to duplicate

  • Click on the copy program button and select duplicate

  • Your duplicate skill program is now at the top of the list in the client program

  • Recommendation: Rename your new skill and customize all areas of the lesson plan/program

2. Once a program has been duplicated, it will be named with a V2, V3, etc.  You can rename the duplicate by clicking on the rename button of the new program (e.g., Title it “Answering Choice Questions - Parent Goal”). The duplicate program will always have a red D below the title in the client program area.

To remove the original program or a duplicate program from the client program, follow these steps:

  • In the Client Program, click on the skill you need to remove/delete

  • Click on Move Program

  • Click Move to Lesson Library or Remove Program (*Remove program option is only available if it is the duplicated program you are wanting to remove)

♦Removing the program (whether the original or duplicate) will remove it from the client program area and data entry

♦The program is hidden in the program library to avoid confusion with other similar programs or duplicates.

  • Any data collected on a removed program can be still be viewed in ANALYZE DATA

♦If a removed duplicated program needs to be recovered, this can be done by contacting our support team at: support@rethinkbh.com

For Behaviors:

When you have added a behavior goal to behavior support, you will now have the option to copy or duplicate the goal to the same client.

When duplicating a program, all content of the behavior plan are copied (steps 1-6) and are able to be edited and customized as a new behavior.

*Data will NOT be copied from the original behavior program.

  1. To duplicate a behavior goal in the same client profile, follow the steps below:

  • Go to behavior support

  • Go to view plan

  • Select a behavior that you need to duplicate

  • Click on Copy Program (this takes you back to create plan automatically to customize your new/duplicate behavior program)

  • All steps 1-6 are now editable for your duplicate program

  • Recommendation: Rename your new behavior and customize all steps


After editing and customizing the duplicate skill or behavior program, the new program/goal functions the same way the original program would. It is available for data collection in data entry (as long as it has targets added), available to create graphs in Analyze Data and available to pull data into the Funder Reports.

This image below shows an example of a program that was duplicated and how it displays within the Behavior Support Tab

2.To remove a duplicate behavior program, follow these steps:

  • Go to view plan

  • Select the behavior that you need to remove

  • Click on “Move Behavior”

  • Click on "Yes, Archive" or "No, Delete"

    • To remove a program, there are two options, delete or archive. Deleting a behavior program, removes the program permanently and archiving saves it as an inactive behavior. You can still view inactive behaviors in the Analyze Data Tab.

  • Click on “Move Behavior”

Questions?  Contact us at support@rethinkbh.com