Verifying Appointments and Adding Session Notes.

Verifying Appointments and Adding Session Notes.

In this guide, users will learn how to add session notes to appointments, how to verify appointments, how to request a remote parent signature for session notes and how to manage verified appointments.

Verifying Appointments


Website Description

Mobile App Description

Helpful Information


Website Description

Mobile App Description

Helpful Information

Determining Completed Appointments

All completed appointments will display in the calendar with white lines as displayed below:

The appointment status will display as Completed


A completed appointment in the mobile app will display as “Completed” as displayed below:

  • Important: Check with your System Administrator to confirm which of the following requirements are needed to complete a billable appointment in your system:

    • staff verification (always required)

    • parent verification

    • session note entered

  • You can also access your appointments through the mobile browser

Entering a Staff Verification

Open your appointment and navigate to the Verification Options

Select Staff

Then verify your worked time by updating the actual start & end time

Once complete select VERIFY:

Staff Verification.png


Select Calendar

Then select applicable session

When ready to verify select Verify

Then verify your actual worked time by updating the actual start & end time

Once complete click the orange Verify box


  • Once an appointment is verified, the verified time will now be the time displayed in the calendar

    • The scheduled & verified time will both be reported in the payroll export

  • Once an appointment is verified, the time cannot be changed unless your company has provided you with the “Edit Verified Appointments” permission

Edit Verified Apts.jpg

Entering a Parent Verification

Open your appointment & go to the Verification Options

Select Parent

Then have parent sign the Signature field

Then enter details into the Parent Name & Relationship fields

Once complete, select SAVE

Open your appointment & go to the Verify tab

Scroll down to Parent

Then have parent sign the Signature field

Then enter details into the Parent Name & Relationship fields

Once complete click the orange Verify box

  • On the Mobile App - syncing should only be selected once ALL details pertaining to the session (data collection, verification and a session note) have been completed and are ready to be synced

    • Syncing a session can only be done 1x, all other changes to that specific session will need to be done through the browser

  • If your organization requires a parent signature in your SESSION NOTE & a parent verification:

    • When a parent signature is completed within a session note FIRST then the signature will also apply as the parent verification requirement

    • If a parent completes a parent verification first & a parent signature is also required in the session note then they would need to sign the note as well

    • Parents are also able to verify appointments remotely through the Rethink Parent Portal

Alerts for Incomplete Appointments


Staff will be able to see from the Mobile App if appointments require further action to complete their company settings for a “complete” appointment.


Optional: Geo-Tagging Appointment Verification Locations

When choosing the Staff Verification and clicking on “Verify”, the website will attempt to capture the location

When completing the Parent Verification and clicking “SAVE”, the website will attempt to capture the location

In the Staff Verification and Parent Verification windows, the address and google map icon will appear

If location services are turned on, the geo-tag will be captured when using the mobile app but you will not be able to see the verified location on the app itself. Logging into the website will allow you to see the verified appointment locations.


  • Location Services will need to be enabled on the device in order for the system to geo-tag verification locations

  • In the Appointment List view of the Scheduler, there will be a "red map pin" icon in the Staff and/or Guardian Verification columns

    • Hover over the red map pin Staff and Guardian Verification columns to see the specific address detail

  • Hover over the completed appointment in the Individual Calendar view of the Scheduler to see the staff and parent verified address details

  • The Billing Export has columns for the Staff Verified Address and Parent Verified Address

  • The Payroll Export has a Timesheet Entries tab when exported to excel that shows the Staff and Parent Verified Addresses



Adding Session Notes to Appointments


Website Description

Mobile App Description

Helpful Information


Website Description

Mobile App Description

Helpful Information

Adding Session Notes to Appointments

Open an existing appointment and go to the Session Note Tab:

Select the Template you would like to use

Complete all required fields marked with an *

Select Submit Note when complete


Once a note has been submitted, users also have the option to Mark As Reviewed which will stamp onto the completed session note the name and date of the individual reviewing the session note.

A comment can also be added to the bottom of a session note (This will not save to the finished PDF of the Session Note that saves in the Client's file cabinet, but will be visible via the schedule). Users will receive a Notification in their Notifications section of Rethink to alert them of the new comment on their Session Note.  


Open an existing appointment and go to the Session Note Tab:

Click Select Template and select the template you would like to use

Complete all required fields marked with an *

If there is a Daily Summary Sheet within the session note, the following can be selected:

  • Include ALL data points: Includes all clinical data from the website or app recorded for the same client and same date by the selected staff member or all staff.

  • Include only LINKED data points: Includes only clinical data entered in the mobile app for the selected appointment by the staff member logged in.

Once all details for your session are complete, click Sync in the upper right-hand corner. This will transmit the information back to the website.

  • Session Notes that are not completed when saved, will save as a draft. To learn more about draft options and Session Note Discrepancies refer to these guides

  • All completed session notes will be available under the client’s filing cabinet. For more information refer to Overview of the Client File Cabinet.

  • Supervisors will receive a task in their Notifications section of Rethink when a session note is ready to be reviewed for their supervisee

    • This alert only occurs if the supervisor is added to the staff member’s profile

  • It will be noted on the Appointment List and Billing Export if the Session Note was Marked as Reviewed

Remote Parent Signatures for Session Notes

As an employee completing billable session notes when the parent/guardian is not present, you may need a way for the parent/guardian to sign a completed session note remotely using their own Rethink login. 



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Capturing Optional Remote Parent Signatures

If remote parent signatures is an option for your practice, once a user has submitted the session note the system will present a pop up with the following options:

Step 1: The staff should click the drop down menu “Select Guardian” to select the parent/guardian they are requesting a remote signature from

Step 2: Click Allow or Deny

  • If they click allow, this will trigger a notification for the parent to sign a completed session note.

  • If they click deny, it will save the session note without a remote parent signature.

Step 3: After pressing Allow for the Remote parent Signature Request, the following will occur:

  • Pop up confirmation letting know you know that the session note is ready for parent review.

  • Session note is saved as a draft.

  • Label showing “Parent Review Pending” will display in the session note page

  • Notification will be sent to the parent/guardian via the Notifications section of Rethink

  • If you are unable to request a remote parent signature and need to, please consult your system administrator to grant role permission access.

  • If you forget to select a guardian, it will not allow you to request the remote parent signature.

  • If contacts are not set up for the client, staff will receive this message when attempting to request a remote parent signature.

    • “No Guardians to select, please send client contact a user login request.”

    • For information on how to create a system login for a guardian refer to:Client Profile Set Up.

Capturing Required Remote Parent Signatures

If remote parent signatures are a requirement for your practice, once a user has completed the session note, select the “Parent Review” option:


Then, you will receive a pop up to request a remote parent signature:

Step 1: The user should click the drop down menu “Select Guardian” to select the parent/guardian they are requesting a remote signature from and click Parent Review

Step 3: After submitting the remote parent signature request, the following will occur:

  • Pop up confirmation letting know you know that the session note is ready for parent review

  • Session note is saved as a draft

  • Label showing “Parent Review Pending” will display in the session note page

  • Notification will be sent to the parent/guardian via the Notifications section of Rethink

  • With a required parent/guardian signature field with the allow remote option, either the parent digital signature fields needs to be completed at the time of the session with the staff present OR the staff will need to request the parent/guardian signature using the remote feature.

  • If contacts are not set up for the client, staff will receive this message when attempting to request a remote parent signature.

    • “No Guardians to select, please send client contact a user login request.”

    • For information on how to create a system login for a guardian refer to: Client Profile Set Up.

Editing Session Notes in Pending Parent Review Status

If a session note is in Pending Parent Review Status and a user takes any of the actions outlined below, the system will reset the session note status, remove any previous notifications for the session note that was sent to the parent guardian, and require the staff to complete the Parent Review request again.

Actions that will reset the session note status from Pending Parent Review to Parent Review:

  1. Edit the session note

  2. Edit the session note and the system auto saves the note as a Draft

  3. Delete the session note

  4. Select a new session note template

  5. Restore a previously completed session note

  • When editing a session note with a remote parent signature complete, if the parent signs the edited session note, a new version of the session note will be saved in the file cabinet and in the appointment/scheduler.

Parent/Guardian View-

Remote Signature for optional and required signature fields

  • As a parent, when logging in, you will notice that there is a notification under the Notifications section any time a new request to sign a session note has been requested.

  • Click on Notifications on the main menu page.



  • Next, click on the specific session note to review and sign the session note.

  • Then, you will be taken to the specific session note within the scheduler, review the note, then click on the parent signature button to provide a parent signature and add an optional comment if desired.


Managing Verified Appointments

As a supervisor or administrator, you may need to make adjustments to appointments that have already been verified.



Helpful Information



Helpful Information

Permission to Edit and/or Delete a Verified Appointment

In order for a Role to have access to Edit a Verified Appointment

Select the “Edit Verified Appointment” permission:


In order for a Role to have access to Delete a Verified Appointment

Select the “Delete Verified Appointment” permission:


  • Permissions can be managed through the desktop browser only

  • Typically only supervisors or admin level staff will have access to edit an appointment that is already verified

    • For more information on Role Permissions refer to Permissions.

Editing a Verified Appointment

Open applicable appointment

Make applicable changes to the appointment details.

To edit the Start and End time, go to the staff verification

Select View Signature then select Edit

Then adjust the actual time by either typing in the time or utilize the drop down functionality

When complete, select VERIFY

  • Client Name and Start & End Time cannot be edited in the appointment details


  • Appointment Date cannot be changed if staff verification, parent verification, or session note has previously been completed.

  • If a staff member with Edit Verified Appointment permission updates an appointment - the original staff verification timestamp will remain as the timestamp of the staff verification of the appointment

  • If any fields are updated in the appointment details other than the verified time of the appointment AND a session note has already been completed, you will want to be sure to go into the session note and re-submit the note to update the copy of the Session Note saved to the client’s file cabinet

    • It is best practice to make some sort of admin note within the session note to acknowledge the re-saved note i.e. “Admin updated time M/D/YYYY”

Deleting a Verified Appointment

Open the applicable appointment

Select Delete


  • Once a verified appointment has been deleted from the system, it is deleted permanently and will no longer be visible on calendars or reports.

  • When deleting a verified appointment IF a session note has been entered with the appointment, the session note will remain in the client’s file cabinet as part of their record

    • If you would like to delete the session note from the client’s file cabinet follow the steps below

      • Go to the client’s File Cabinet under their profile.

      • Go to the Session Notes folder

      • Locate the applicable session note and select delete.

Delete Session Note.jpg