Individual Calendar.

Individual Calendar.

Navigate to Scheduling>Individual Calendar

Default View:

  • Week

  • Staff Member: Individual logged in

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Search for Staff and Clients


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  • Depending on a user’s permissions, they can search for 1 staff and 1 client at a time





  • If the availability of the searched client and/or staff is set up in their profiles, you will see this displayed on the Individual Calendar as:

    • White: Available

    • Grey: Unavailable

  • If you pull up both a client and staff on the Individual Calendar view, the most restrictive view will show meaning you will only see white when BOTH the client and staff are available

Appointment Key


Appointment Key.jpg

Yellow: Travel appointments

Green: Billable appointments

Blue: Non-Billable appointments

Orange: Appointments with billing issues (EX: Appointments tied to a pending authorization)

Red: Appointments that exceed authorized hours (Only if your funders allow exceeding auth hours and if you turn on the Exceed Authorization toggle)

White Lines: Completed Appointment/Meets all requirements as set up in Settings

Red Exclamation: Cancelled appointments

Grey Exclamation: Archived appointments

Total Hours


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  • Total number of hours that staff or client has on the calendar for that week or month view

  • Can see the total hours broken down by type of appointment (Travel, Billable, Non-Billable)

View: Week or Month


  • Will change the Total Hours

Hover over appointment for details




  • Can see details on scheduled, completed, cancelled, and archived appointments without opening them up